The Love Story

Lived guy. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Rio- Tinto Diamonds has to say. He had everything: his own life, your hobbies, your social circle, friends, their successes and failures. Somewhere close to a guy she lived, she has also had his own life, my world … And then one day their lives intersected. Guy met a girl. They have appeared easy sympathy, they continued to talk. They often saw each other … After a while, and the guy has been waiting with impatience the next meeting.

Tried this myself and this promoted. Their meetings became a daily basis, and every day when they could not see, the guy is very upset. Then, once the girl went to visit, he thought he just run off to come back, but it turned out that she stayed for five hours and he wanted to … Since then, a guy came to the girl … The girl is often seen in a guy pretty serious person who has their aspirations and outlook on life. The guy was a friend to her, she was a guy girlfriend.

Soon as a guy asked a girl to talk, he decided to open up and told her that appreciates that she is very dear to him and that she was very close to him a man who, in principle, he is ready to tell all … Taking a step, the guy got in return for two. The girl believed him and began to trust, to share their fate. Each time, their communication has become increasingly important to each other, they told all the innermost secrets, then that from all hid and were afraid to admit even to themselves.

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