FOR ME, WHO IS JESUS CHRIST? Reading Prezado allows to say to it who me is Jesus Christ for me. Jesus Christ is not one fbula; a myth; a legend; a trick; a fancy; a devaneio; a fiction; a story-da-carochinha; a invencionice; one launches virtual; a chimera; one simulacro; an utopia; one petrecho hirto of charola; a mirage; a niche object; an illusion; a prespio adornment; a light of ribalta; a proscnio; one prints; a cinzelado artificial result; one efgie. Not! JESUS CHRIST IS REAL! Jesus Christ is real for the skies (At.3: 21; Hb.7: 26); it is real for the celestial beings (Mt.4: 11; 26:53; 28:2 – 7; Mc.1: 13; 16:5 – 7; Lc.1: 26-38; 2:9 – 15; 22:43; 24:4 – 7; Jo.20: 12,13; At.1: 10,11; Hb.1: 4-14); it is real for the legitimate Christians, from there the primitive Christian denomination (At.11: 26); it is real for the children (Mt.19: 13-15; Mc.10: 13-16; Lc.18: 15-17); it is real for science (Mt.2: 1,2,9-11; Cl.4: 14); it is real for the nature (Mt.8: 26,27; Mc.4: 39-41; Lc.8: 24,25); it is real for feras (Mc.1: 13); the creation (Rm.8 is real for all: 18-23); it is real for its enemies, as much is that they envied it (Mt.27: 18; Mc.15: 10); it is real for the devil (Mt.4: 1-11; Mc.1: 13; Lc.4: 1-13); it is real for the demons (Mt.4: 1-11,24; 5:37; 7:22; 8:6,7,13,16,28 – 34; 9:32 – 34; 10:1,8,25; 11:18; 12:22 – 30,43-45; 13:19,28,38,39; 15:22,28; 16:23; 17:18 – 21; 25:41; Mc.1: 13,23-27,32,34,39; 3:11,12,15,22 – 30; 4:15; 5:1 – 20; 6:7,13; 7:25,26,30; 8:33; 9:17 – 29,38,39; 16:9,17; Lc.4: 1-13,33-36,41; 6:18; 7:21,33; 8:2,12,27 – 39; 9:1,38 – 42,49,50; 10:17,18 – 20; 11:14 – 26; 13:16,32; 22:3,31,53; Jo.6: 70; 8:44,48,49; 10:10; 12:31; 13:2,27; 14:30; 16:11; 17:15); it is real even though for the atheists In the truth the atheist, who the Sacred Holy Writs call fool (Sl.14: 1; 53:1), believes in the existence of Jesus Christ, as disclosed in Rm.1: 20. .

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