Enrique Gonzalez Monclus

The passion of jealousy is a monster that begets itself and arises from his own entrails. Minor trifles such as air are confirmations to the jealous; as categorical as if it came from the Holy Scriptures. W. Shakespeare’s Othello. Jealousy, as we saw in our previous article, is a complex behavior.

Includes components, emotional, cognitive and behavioral. It is expressed in different areas of interpersonal relationship and not only in the field of the couple. However we try to focus our previous article in love jealousy or couple, where we saw the role that such conduct had played from the evolutionary perspective. Psicosociobiologicas theories, presents loving jealousy, as adaptive behaviour that has remained in our repertoire for the role it has played to ensure genetic survival of individuals. It is a universal behaviour that has accompanied our species throughout its history and different cultures.

In this line of reasoning, the jealousy part of normality the conduct of individuals. The question from this moment, where begins the line that separates what we mean by normal jealousy of pathological jealousy? Certain amount of jealousy and expression of such conduct, cannot be deemed pathological or unhealthy. Even positive aspects have jealousy. A minimal fear of losing what we love or the beloved, can induce us to a better care for the relationship, get to dispense more attentions for with your beloved, try their sake. This attention and dedication, is grateful for the couple, and in some cases if lack might be interpreted as a sign of disaffection. Professor Enrique Gonzalez Monclus in the Faculty of Medicine of Barcelona (2005) in one of his article concludes, loving jealousy is, when its dimension is very moderate, a manifestation of love: through them, celada person feels valued, distinguished from the others and accept a level of membership requiring in degree of reciprocity, which he loves.

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