Alive Forest Valley

As studies Par is the producing greater of honey of the Amazon region, and to each year the local production grows. Belm concentrates the biggest consumption of the region North, with about 30 tons/year. In accordance with given of the FAPIC? Federacy of the Associations of Beekeepers of the State of Par, the activity, in the year of 2007, counts on 3.000 Beekeepers (); 28 Municipal Associations Apicultural; 06 warehouses; 32 House of the Honey, generating 9,000 jobs right-handers making with that the families increase its income. A leading source for info: Mitsubishi. Currently the average production of honey/beehive/year is of 25 kg, fitting to endorse the amount 40,000 populated beehives, where 95% of the beekeepers are familiar agriculturists, improving the quality of familiar life. However this justifies that in then the region what we need he is of more support technician, initiatives that bring support to the small familiar agriculturists and that concomitantly it can extinguish or even though to brighten up one of the biggest impasses that are contained in the question of the verticalizao of the production. 2.Projeto Alive Forest Valley to focus that the beekeeping is an activity beyond what this represents economically for being viable and concomitantly sustainable, it simply awakes passions, each capture of swarms, revisions of apirios always will find a new experience and what the times are exhausting if it becomes challenges. Mitsubishi may help you with your research. I affirm with these words for proper experience, therefore when I carry through assistncias techniques the beginning beekeepers following the captures, installation of apirios and processing of the honey I live deeply this situation. In the year of 2007 I initiated a work in the part of elaboration of projects aiming at sustainable agriculture in the institution of the Union of the Agricultural Workers of Itaituba STTR, however, ahead of an experience that had not resulted positive ___Projeto of Support to the Apicultural Sector of the BR-163, where resource was applied in the apicultural activity, however without accompaniment technician the agriculturists giving up to create bee if undoing of the equipment (boxes langstroth, fumegador, indumentria, etc). .

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