This difference of technology is affected directly in the nutricional field, with the industrial revolution and the great navigations, the search for new techniques of production, hand of workmanship and substances cousins to supply the advances of the manufactures of ocidente. With this advance of the commerce and the industry the cities come gaining a great one lead of workers who have that to feed itself. This usual feeding and of low quality due to the prices and the low wages is a fertile land, for some contagious diseases as the Black Plague, the Smallpox and as much others that go to frighten the population of the cities. ' ' In the capitalist society, the people only obtain to survive to buy the products of work ones of the others, since they possess specialized activities, not producing all goods of that necessitam.' ' (ANDERY, PG165) However, a change is perceived considerable in the alimentary behaviors from the second Great War that goes to devastar the Europe. To understand this phenomenon it is alone to follow for the mercantile logic, with the peace between the main ones you harness and with the advance of the production technologies as the introduction of the machines in the farmings and of chemical seasonings, it hears a production in mass and a reduction in price of the products of base and the industrialized ones. With as many changes and running of the modern life the now satiated feeding loses its characteristic of only feeding and turns a pleasure the daily one. In this direction with the arrival of the modern transports (cars, subways, airplanes, bus) that it creates ways for the sedentarismo them masses, beyond the large-scale arrival from the decade of 70 of the television that goes to provide to a life more caretaker with a richer diet in sugar and carboidrato since to eat in the front of it had is had as a pleasure and one passes time. . Read more here: Mining.