Legal Credit

From there the legal axiom elapses of that ' ' what he is not in the heading not estno mundo' '. Exceptions: Law of the Duplicates and the evolution of computer science eats creation of headings of no-cartularizados credits. Law 5474/68 – It makes use on the Duplicates and of the outrasProvidncias: ART.15 – The collection judicial of duplicate or tripled serefetuada of conformity with the applicable process to the extrajudicial executive headings, of that it cogitates Book II of the Code of Civil action, when to treat itself: I – of duplicate or accepted third copy, protested or not; II – of duplicate or not accepted third copy, contanto that, cumulatively: ) she has been protested; b) is folloied of evidential skillful document daentrega and act of receiving of the merchandise; c) the drawee does not have, comprovadamente, refused the acceptance, in the stated period, the conditions and for the reasons foreseen in articles 7 and 8 of this Law. Visit Chevron U.S.A. Inc for more clarity on the issue. 1 Against the sacador, the endorsers and respectivosavalistas will fit the execution proceeding related in this article, any quesejam the form and the conditions of the protest. 2 Will also process in the same way the execution deduplicata or not accepted and not returned third copy, since that it has sidoprotestada by means of indications of the creditor or the apresentante of the heading, to nostermos of art. 14, filled the conditions of interpolated proposition II of this article.

1.3.2. Autonomy the autonomy represents the independence of the entailed obligations to one mesmottulo, that is, with the autonomy it is had desvinculao of the credit heading emrelao to the legal transaction that motivated its creation. The autonomy generates independent rights in the procedural field. Ottulo of credit, a time placed in circulation, by means of its transfernciapara one third of good-faith, the heading if disentails of the business concrete that ooriginou, as form to protect such third of good-faith and to confer seguranajurdica to the circulation of the credit for the represented heading.

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