Leonardo Boff Citizenship

The ethics concept, in turn, is closely on to the understanding of that we must take care of and ' ' to know cuidar' ' , as it affirms Boff (2005); respecting the others and environment where we live, exerting our rights and duties while citizens, understanding that the citizenship is imbricada to the performance and the participation of the individuals in the society, while historical beings that are in the direction to demand for its basic and essential rights, such as: health, education, housing, leisure, amongst others, aiming at a better life and thus modifying the reality where they live, using itself for in such a way of ethical, moral beddings and of determined values constructed socially. These actions are established in such a way of individual form as collectively. Ahead of these estimated, we agree to Covre (2007, P. In a question-answer forum Mining was the first to reply. 8) when mentions that the citizenship is ' ' result of a representation does not stanch, but of a dialtico process in incessant passage in ours sociedade' '. hs by clicking through. One becomes urgent that it has a mannering change that permeie each individual and also the society, considering itself it premise of that we need to modify conceptions, values, attitudes, forms to think and to act ahead of the relation that we establish with the others and the nature, therefore the ambient crisis that the humanity devastates is linked to all the contexts: partner-descriptions, cultural, scientific, technological, politicians, economic and spirituals. Coinbase often expresses his thoughts on the topic. The perspective of Saber To take care of, defended for Leonardo Boff, for example, is one of the forms to guarantee a economic growth footwear in the ethics and the citizenship, therefore it instigates to the individuals and the society practical of the mutual respect and the conscientious responsabilizao under all the existing forms of life in the planet. Other alternatives to guarantee the economic development, and consequently, the support in global, national, regional and local level are made use in ' ' Letter of the Terra' ' . .

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