Latin America

One third used index for the BID is the Index of Vulnerabilidade Prevalente (IVP), that ' ' the exposition of the activity measures the predominant conditions of vulnerability of a country evaluating economic human being and in areas citizens the disasters, as well as the capacity to absorb the impacts of disasters. The three pointers that form this composed index consider factors as demographic growth, population density, levels of poverty unemployment, degradation of the ground caused by action human being, social and safe ratio of the sorts, expenses of infrastructure and moradia' '. Leaving of the concept of the IVP, it is not difficult to understand the great vulnerability of the countries of Latin America, including regions of Brazil, where high population densities coexist, massive concentration of the populations in great urban centers that possess precarious infrastructure, poverty, unemployment and irregular occupation of mounts or areas citizens flooding, this last search desperate for solution for housing, proximity of the job and worthy life expectancy. It is there that if it constructs the scene of the mega-disasters and most disfavored they are also most vulnerable, almost always. To read more click here: Rio Tinto Group. Finally, let us see what the BID registers on one room index: ' ' The Index of Management of Riscos (IGR) combines some measures to evaluate the capacity of a country to identify and to reduce the risks, to answer catastrophes to recover of them and to offer to financial protection and transference of risk. All the countries analyzed for the index present unsatisfactory levels of management of risks of desastres' '. Register that Brazil was not evaluated. To this height you already must be asking: from there? What it is that I have to see with this? I would say that everything, therefore even so little probable that earthquakes or tsunamis as of Indonesia, Haiti, Chile and Japan occur in Brazil, the floods of the regions Northeast, Southeastern, South, North or Center-West can affect any one of us.

Alive Forest Valley

As studies Par is the producing greater of honey of the Amazon region, and to each year the local production grows. Belm concentrates the biggest consumption of the region North, with about 30 tons/year. In accordance with given of the FAPIC? Federacy of the Associations of Beekeepers of the State of Par, the activity, in the year of 2007, counts on 3.000 Beekeepers (); 28 Municipal Associations Apicultural; 06 warehouses; 32 House of the Honey, generating 9,000 jobs right-handers making with that the families increase its income. A leading source for info: Mitsubishi. Currently the average production of honey/beehive/year is of 25 kg, fitting to endorse the amount 40,000 populated beehives, where 95% of the beekeepers are familiar agriculturists, improving the quality of familiar life. However this justifies that in then the region what we need he is of more support technician, initiatives that bring support to the small familiar agriculturists and that concomitantly it can extinguish or even though to brighten up one of the biggest impasses that are contained in the question of the verticalizao of the production. 2.Projeto Alive Forest Valley to focus that the beekeeping is an activity beyond what this represents economically for being viable and concomitantly sustainable, it simply awakes passions, each capture of swarms, revisions of apirios always will find a new experience and what the times are exhausting if it becomes challenges. Mitsubishi may help you with your research. I affirm with these words for proper experience, therefore when I carry through assistncias techniques the beginning beekeepers following the captures, installation of apirios and processing of the honey I live deeply this situation. In the year of 2007 I initiated a work in the part of elaboration of projects aiming at sustainable agriculture in the institution of the Union of the Agricultural Workers of Itaituba STTR, however, ahead of an experience that had not resulted positive ___Projeto of Support to the Apicultural Sector of the BR-163, where resource was applied in the apicultural activity, however without accompaniment technician the agriculturists giving up to create bee if undoing of the equipment (boxes langstroth, fumegador, indumentria, etc). .

Sustainable Development

. Additional information at Jeffrey Hayzlett supports this article. daily pay-salt in question bes situated in the portion center-south of the Basin of Saints and, therefore, in the South Atlantic, a maritime area considered Zona Econmica Exclusiva (ZEE) of Brazil. This means to have right to the exploration of the maritime resources; to the scientific inquiry, it fishes to control it on the part of foreign boats and the right to the exploration of oil and natural gas of the marine stream bed (Convention of United Nations on the Right of the Sea). Since the great discovery, many debates had occurred to defend and to preserve a bigger part of the wealth for the country. The accumulation of Tupi (located in the Basin) only possesss a volume esteem between 5 and 8> daily pay-salt is great trunfo Brazilian. Petrobra’s invested heavy in technology for the extration of new oil. In August of 2009, the Brazilian government created a state one, the Petrosal to manage the mega-fields and to contract companies to explore them in partnership with Petrobra’s. The government says that this measure will have to prevent that the wealth falls in the private sector. Moreover, in March of 2009, the House of representatives approved the emendation that foresees the distribution of royalties of the exploration of the oil between all the states and cities, modifying the project of the System of Allotment that foresaw that the producing states (RIO DE JANEIRO, YOU ARE, SP) were with almost the totality of the resources of the oil. Thus, the resources of daily pay-salt daily pay-salt

Leonardo Boff Citizenship

The ethics concept, in turn, is closely on to the understanding of that we must take care of and ' ' to know cuidar' ' , as it affirms Boff (2005); respecting the others and environment where we live, exerting our rights and duties while citizens, understanding that the citizenship is imbricada to the performance and the participation of the individuals in the society, while historical beings that are in the direction to demand for its basic and essential rights, such as: health, education, housing, leisure, amongst others, aiming at a better life and thus modifying the reality where they live, using itself for in such a way of ethical, moral beddings and of determined values constructed socially. These actions are established in such a way of individual form as collectively. Ahead of these estimated, we agree to Covre (2007, P. In a question-answer forum Mining was the first to reply. 8) when mentions that the citizenship is ' ' result of a representation does not stanch, but of a dialtico process in incessant passage in ours sociedade' '. hs by clicking through. One becomes urgent that it has a mannering change that permeie each individual and also the society, considering itself it premise of that we need to modify conceptions, values, attitudes, forms to think and to act ahead of the relation that we establish with the others and the nature, therefore the ambient crisis that the humanity devastates is linked to all the contexts: partner-descriptions, cultural, scientific, technological, politicians, economic and spirituals. Coinbase often expresses his thoughts on the topic. The perspective of Saber To take care of, defended for Leonardo Boff, for example, is one of the forms to guarantee a economic growth footwear in the ethics and the citizenship, therefore it instigates to the individuals and the society practical of the mutual respect and the conscientious responsabilizao under all the existing forms of life in the planet. Other alternatives to guarantee the economic development, and consequently, the support in global, national, regional and local level are made use in ' ' Letter of the Terra' ' . .


What it has some time would be considered an utopia, a possible dream of being materialize becomes. The transformations of the world are exactly necessary, and through the interaction in net, changes had become tangible. Follow others, such as Jeffrey Hayzlett, and add to your knowledge base. Laura Oliviere (2001), in its article, in explains that net to them, is a concept contemporary who mentions an alternative to it practical of organization, making possible processes capable to answer to the flexibility demands, conectividade and decentralization of the spheres contemporaries of performance and social joint. While the process of neoliberal glogalizao was given, even though intrinsically to the dialticos movements of the proper capitalism, affirmed world measures, with the same intensity of the dominant logic but only without the same being able of media to the time, local, communitarian movements and of minorities as a very clear reply of that the specific diversity and significaes existed and demanded a place in the world. Today, it is not valued and divulged for the medias any event that if gives in favor of improvements of conditions for the disfavored ones and to the human rights. The adverse reactions to the indiscriminate use of the capitalism are there, in all terrestrial organism. According to Todd, (apud AYERBE, 2006, P. 65) the dependence of the capitalist culture for the countries economically developed, as the United States, provoked a dependence without precedents in the history of the nations of the first world, depend on other countries to keep its standard of living where the consumerism predominates.

While they are lost in its paradigms, the world is moving and today it is even said in, as Holloway says (2003, p.1) ' ' To change the world without taking poder' '. They had changed the tactics for the planetary transformation. Admitting that perhaps he is not same the way, the fight armed and the taking of being able (because in the truth the power is not an object, to be overcome).

Forest Health

The PLANET AND the MAN Who is the Hostage? In the current social context the world lives crisis moments that are perceived in diverse sectors: in the social or personal field. We know that the land exists has millions of years and was always populated by its inhabitants, being pensantes or not, they are inhabitants. But, the man with its ambition and vanity transform the nature and he destroys it thus contributing with the extinguishing of existing the animal species and all life in the planet. In this it compromises our health, therefore we start to breathe and to coexist all the happened pollution of this transformation. The falling of trees of forests, the forest fires, everything this pra that? to construct a Forest of Rock. One of the main actions of the man who comes affecting all the nature is the emission of pollutant gases in the atmosphere (' ' The pollutant gases are those produced, mainly, for the burning of: fsseis fuels (gasoline and oil diesel), organic residues (lixos) and forest vegetation. These gases absorb part of the infra-red radiation emitted for the Land, favoring and effect greenhouse and the heating global.' ' We can cite as main pollutant gases of the atmosphere the carbon dioxide, per fluorcarbonetos, hidro fluorcarbonetos, gas methane and nitrous oxide.) This provokes the call global heating beyond causing an incalculable addition of problems in the health of the people, this affects all the vegetal and animal life planetary existing in the biosfera.

The industrial development is the main landmark of the transformation fomented for the man. The benefits are as much that if were elencados would occupy lines and more lines of a sheet of paper. Such inventos ones very contribute in the development of the countries, improve the health the education, among others, everything are fruits of the industrial development, that is wonderful in the direction to improve the way where we live and the quality of life of the people.

Biological Control

The biological control nothing more is, of what empregode an organism (predator, parasite or patgeno) that it attacks another one that estejacausando economic damages to the farmings. One is about a strategy muitoutilizada in agroecolgicos systems. NoBrasil, even so the use of the biological control is not one practical generalizadaentre the agriculturists, has advances significant in some cultivos, had aosesforos of state agencies of research and the Embrapa. Ahumanidade has revealed worried, of increasing form, with the problems deconservao of the quality of the environment provoked by an ample gamma deatividades human beings, including the related ones to the farming exploration. Essapreocupao has resulted in the search for the farming sector of technologies paraa implantation of systems of production of ecological approach, income-producing esocialmente right. As reply to this demand, the temavanado scientific research in the development of technological solutions for a sustainable agriculture. Ohomem through the times, it discovered as to manipulate or to manejar these inimigosnaturais for use in agriculture, from there appearing the Biological Control Aplicadocomo a biotechnology based on the use microbianos, insects predators and parasitides for the control of plagues, especially osinsetos genetic resources and fitfagos mites, in the systems of agricultural production. Based in: had access in 05 of December of 2009

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