Felipe Gonzalez Government

The Executive gave reverse its measures and produced the so-called social rotation. 28 May 1992: on this occasion the unemployment was only part-time and called for the withdrawal of the decree which outlined the unemployment benefit and Bill’s strike, in addition to claiming the reindustrialization of Spain. While for the Government (PSOE) participation was 34.6%, for UGT and CC OO the day was a historic success and the CEOE employers called it resounding failure. on January 27, 1994: lived a day of general strike against labor reform in the Government of Felipe Gonzalez. The reasons that led to the strike were cuts in social conquests and the reform of the labour market. The number of unemployed at that date amounted to 3.545.950 against the occupied 11.877.270. on June 20, 2002: the majority trade unions, CC OO and UGT, convened a day of general strike against the reform measures of the unemployment protection and basic employment law, approved by the Government of Jose Maria Aznar.

For the Government, which called the general strike, failure the stopped was something more than the 16%, UGT and CC OO rose to 84%. 29 of September 2010: CC OO and UGT called a general strike against labor reform adopted by the Socialist Government of Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero. Unions put in 70% follow-up to the protest, but the Government did not give a global data, although the then Minister of labour, Celestino Corbacho, said that there had been an uneven follow-up which reached 100% in the sector of car, 10% in trade and 3% in the hospitality industry. March 29, 2012: the majority trade unions called a general against labor reform strike day and cuts policies undertaken by the people’s Government of Mariano Rajoy. Closing of the day of strike, surpassed two million attendees at the demonstrations in major cities. See more: the general strike of 14 N is the second of the year and the ninth of democracy

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