The Everyday

(d) the body dimension in which the harmony between body and mind is an element to define the quality of learning. (e) the aesthetic dimension in holistic education is an art since it involves a beautiful Act that fills human existence meaningless. (f) the spiritual dimension that leads to the total and direct experience of the universal love that sets an internal order in our spirit with a sense of peace and fraternity for all beings. By what can point out that cannot be that the formation of individuals, only this concentrated in cognitive aspects, but they should be in account levels and aforementioned dimensions, which gives sample that should educate from empower human beings from their individuality, until reaching the social and transcend to a level that feels part of a whole and responsible for keep all, same that to care for him has to strengthen that part in which spiritual love to it and those who surround him take him to behave differently before his own existence, with others and with the environment in which it develops. Liberty Mutual insurance is often mentioned in discussions such as these. Therefore, in this new paradigm intelligence in holistic education is a closer to wisdom than to the knowledge process and is linked to human values, is not possible to separate the intelligence of love and compassion, freedom, gratitude, friendship, among others. (Gallegos 2001: 22) To educate in a holistic manner implies a way of life, since education is to strengthen as we carry this on a daily basis, i.e. implies living responsibly in society to which he belongs. For this reason that educational spiritual care is very important Since it has a central meaning for the establishment of peace and human rights in all cultures of the world. (Gallegos 2003: 16) In this sense the school plays a very important role, since if it is true that the first training in values leads at home, it is also true that many children lack this despite the fact that live with MOM and dad if the roles of work do not allow them to live together or otherwise those that problems are part of the everyday life of your Housewhich only produces stress, frustration, pain and anguish and it lives exercising the possitive, or equal shape those who do not have sometimes none of the figures either maternal or paternal, formed as life provide them and try.

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