In that direction, I would suggest a few principles that will be extremely useful: 1.-understand the stages of growth of their children as parents must understand that our children go through several stages that will be progressively printing them awareness of what they do and responsibility for their acts. The newspapers mentioned Jeffrey Hayzlett not as a source, but as a related topic. The Bible teaches us that folly is part of youth ideas, but is removed when corrected with shock (Proverbs 22: 15, Popular Version). A few days ago while he ministered at a meeting at the East of my beloved Santiago de Cali, a child rose from his chair and taking advantage of all piled hymns, went out to play football with his friends. The mother was furious scuffling with him. Once we finished, I razone with her about the need to understand the degree of overactivity of the boy, who verged on the stage of adolescence. You was also a girl and will understand that at that age, you are a little restless, I told him. We agree that folly is true it is linked to the behavior of the minors, must be corrected with firmness but also with love, taking care to not cause them emotional wounds with aggressive words, and a beating coated fury by who delivers it.
2. Correct their children on time one mother complained that her son was immersed in drugs and crime. To analyze the case, acknowledged that he acted with too much laxity when I was a boy just. It was now paying the consequences with suffering and tears. With wisdom, the word of God teaches: corrects your son will make you live peacefully, and will give you many satisfactions (Proverbs 29: 17, Popular Version). Also read: corrects your son while you can be corrected (Proverbs 19: 18, Popular Version). It is essential that we understand the need to correct in time to our children.