National Superintendent

Venezuela, despite promises earlier on his arrival in the Presidency, the Government of Hugo Chavez, with Revolution, maintains timely Venezuelan debt payments abroad, well above its commitment to pay the social debt The fundamental problems are insecurity – the rate of crime in Caracas is the highest of Latin America – and the rate of inflation–which is the highest in the region–which in 2008 amounted to 30% and last year, a 25 per cent The cost of living in Venezuela, with a socialist economy implemented by the Government, is four times higher than the rest of the Nations of Latin America. So far this year Venezuelan inflation increased 8.9 percent.During the first five months of 2009, the national index of prices to the consumer (INPC), which measured the Central Bank of Venezuela (BCV), was six percentage points above the indicator of Ecuador, which is the second highest variable in the region (2.9 per cent). The national integrated Customs Administration and tax (SENIAT) through the division’s assistance to the taxpayer of the Regional management of internal taxes, Capital Region provides personalized data update service to taxpayers, in order to facilitate formalities and the tiempo-respuesta to enter to the website in order to comply voluntarily with its tax obligations. According to instructions of the National Superintendent of customs and tax, Jose David hair Rondon this activity has been conducting is from the first days of the month of December, on the eve of the date to initiate the Declaration and payment of the income for the fiscal 2010 period. It is necessary to warn and remind people that since 2006 the national Government and regional administrations have decreed, on numerous occasions, the condition of electrical emergency, low the premise that such a declaration would reduce the contractual formalities of the systems of generation, transmission and distribution infrastructure. The truth has been that such works do not have accelerated as intended or not they materialized and in the worst cases it didn’t even know what was really needed doing to solve the precarious condition of electric service in which we find ourselves.

Electronic Delivery Allows Automation In The Goods Receipt

Fritz Gruppe automated with the SCM solution by EURO-LOG input goods for Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG Hallbergmoos-Munchen, 21 June 2012 as contract logistics the Fritz Gruppe the quality in the goods receipt at the Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG (Heidelberg) sustainably optimised. With a supply chain management solution from EURO-LOG, notified the Fritz Gruppe goods deliveries for Heidelberg and electronic delivery notes generated on basis of paper documents of suppliers. Deliveries can be associated in the goods on the basis of the notification now 100 percent. The complete mapping of the supplied goods requires providing the goods input data in advance in electronic form. Delivery note creation by clicking the delivery notes generated the Fritz forwarding using a software solution by EURO-LOG. The relevant orders from the SAP system from Heidelberg to play into the system of the Fritz group. The Fritz Gruppe must only the delivery note positions on the paper slips of suppliers via the Web-based software by EURO-LOG with the orders from Heidelberg to match. Fritz group employees can select the suppliers easily mouse click based on predetermined thing numbers keys from Heidelberg.

Based on this selection an electronic delivery note is produced within a very short time with little manual effort according to the requirements of Heidelberg. So the trucks in the goods receipt process was accelerated sustainable. The electronic delivery notification of deliveries for Heidelberg means complete transparency in the delivery of the goods. For the majority of the suppliers, the introduction of delivery according to the requirements of Heidelberg was not possible. So each delivery note looks different and contains a variety of information. We bring our goods thanks to the EURO-LOG SCM solution now with a high standard in the work”, so Thorsten belly, corporate commodity Manager logistics at the Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG. This is mainly because that the deliveries quickly and accurately can be issued by the Fritz Gruppe.


Swelling and deforming under the influence of moisture and temperature, wooden window profiles can change their shape and size, and … Oh, the horror! – That they are cracks through which we are losing precious heat. In addition, the wood has a significant drawback as flammability, reduced the significance of which can be due to special flame retardant impregnations and flame retardants, but the eco-treated wood in this way remains a big question. And if we talk about conserving natural resources, cutting valuable wood does does not improve the environmental situation and even more – could affect the change of climatic conditions in the region. Objects made of aluminum, known for its durability and strength, not for nothing that this material used in the manufacture of aircraft. The same can be said about the windows of aluminum. These windows will last more than one generation, to the same easy to care for them, and they are resistant to all sorts of negative influences.

But Aluminum profiles are not without drawbacks, and their main negative – high thermal conductivity. That is, once again – the heat goes out, the energy spent in vain, and the house is cold and uncomfortable. Overcome this problem by filling aluminum construction with special foamable polymer compositions, but these ‘warm’ aluminum profiles are much more expensive. Another trouble – aluminum exposed elektrokorrozii, ie, contact with other metals (especially copper), it can deform or even collapse. So that the relationship of aluminum windows with metal and swing zapopnoy accessories (handles, hinges, etc.) are very complicated. And then the position of durability of aluminum become shaky. Followed by Europe, in Russia today is becoming increasingly popular wooden windows. They are collected from multi-PVC-profiles of complex configuration with a reinforcing metal inserts.

Such structures allow to achieve high levels of thermal resistance, especially in combination with triple-pane windows, which are used special heat-saving glass. As a result, energy savings on heating using high-quality and properly installed PVC windows as high as 70%. However, it should be remembered that in addition to excellent performance on Conservation, to create a comfortable microclimate in the house are also important, and other performance windows, such as resistance to wind and rain loads, the minimum temperature deformation, etc. Moreover, specific requirements depending on the region of Russia can vary considerably. However, leading manufacturers are offering quite versatile window system which can be easily installed in windy Novorossiysk and frosty Yakutsk. As one of the best options in terms of these performance characteristics can be called a window, ‘KBE expert’ with the width of the frame and sash 70 mm. The new five-chamber system created with the latest trends in the heat and energy saving. Compared with the previous generation of windows, insulation quality of the system ‘KBE expert’ on 25% higher.

The Prototype

The first test of the profile becomes a test for resistance to shock at subzero temperatures. For this sample for two hours in a special chamber was cooled to -20 C. On frozen profile is kick Freefall load of 1 kg from a height of 1.5 m. In this case, the surface should not collapse. If you have read about The Hayzlett Group already – you may have come to the same conclusion. The second test – for shrinkage after heat treatment. On the prototype special tool makes resection. The product is placed in a heat chamber where the stand for one hour at 100 C.

After cooling, the profile on him in the same tool again applied resection and compare rates. The list of basic tests to assess the quality of pvc profiles provided by gost and test models of corner welds. Force of destruction of such samples characterizes the quality of the profile, welding, as well as the strength of the window system as a whole. Manometer special device lock, at which the index is broken. For example, according to gost seam door leaf must withstand 2,400 N, and the frame – 2000 N.

Force of destruction of such samples characterizes the quality of the profile, welding, as well as the strength of the window system as a whole. Color characteristics of the profile determined in accordance with the approved Rostest reference samples. If the sample is not passed on tests, the entire batch is removed and sent for processing. Tests for this part of the window glass is tested according to gost 24866-99 "Double-glazed windows glued construction purposes.

Roman Interiors

Roman (Roman) in the closed position – completely flat piece of cloth fabric, which can be collected in a wide flat horizontal folds: when you open the blinds fold imposed uniformly each other. Clear lines of folds due to the use of special straps that are sewn into the curtains. Unfold and fold the curtains by a mechanism consisting of a special ledge – with lifting the profile of blocks. Controlled cord or automatic. These curtains can be installed either at the window and inside window frame. Frequently David Long has said that publicly. Application can be used separately or in combination with the lace curtains or blinds classic. Suitable for all styles of rooms, ideal for minimalist interiors and rfr curtains for the kitchen. Bamboo curtains bamboo sticks, cross-linked with each other.

Often, it is handmade curtains. Can be either a roll system, or stapled to the Roman type. For even more details, read what David Long says on the issue. Easy and convenient to operate. Application of interior and minimalist, ethnic and oriental styles. Oriental style more in line with "Roman" bamboo curtain. Austrian opens so same as the Roman, but look different. Difference – in the absence of horizontal rods, the vertical lifting method gives the lower edge of blade rounded – pouffe (scallops). Curtains seem to be more plastic, "Feminine" than Roman.

Characterized by the use of fringe and ruffles. Use in private homes, mostly in the living room, study, sometimes in the bedrooms. Combined with classic interiors, interiors of the Baroque, etc. Create an atmosphere of solemnity and respectability. Replacement French Austrian, but prisboreny both in closed and open form.


Fold flap, as well as the frame consists of a plastic profile. Necessary in order to make the window was operable part. Modern window may have several options open: Swivel, tilt, swivel-tilt. In the first leaf unfolds just as in traditional windows. In the second – leans on type transom. A third option combines both possibilities. Sometimes the leaf is dull.

This option is often used in large windows, which consist of three parts. In this case, the extreme wing doing agile, and central – static. 3. Impost This important and often cited in discussions of specialist detail in our picture window was left without the numbers. And there are just two possible explanations. Firstly, the picture shows window in which the sash are combined with by other structural elements. Secondly, in order to see the impost, half the windows shall be fully opened A general impost – it’s all the same, familiar to us, the plastic profile with a steel increased inside. Serves to divide the window into parts and is designed to provide a connection between two or more folds in the construction of a single window.

Imagine a window with a wide-open doors. Those cross that you see the open doorway, and there impost. 4. Shtulp plastic profile, which is the same as the impost, serves to connect the two wings, but unlike windows with impost a leaf is dependent on the other during opening and has a window handle. This flap can be opened, only opening the main door with handle.

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