Venezuela, despite promises earlier on his arrival in the Presidency, the Government of Hugo Chavez, with Revolution, maintains timely Venezuelan debt payments abroad, well above its commitment to pay the social debt The fundamental problems are insecurity – the rate of crime in Caracas is the highest of Latin America – and the rate of inflation–which is the highest in the region–which in 2008 amounted to 30% and last year, a 25 per cent The cost of living in Venezuela, with a socialist economy implemented by the Government, is four times higher than the rest of the Nations of Latin America. So far this year Venezuelan inflation increased 8.9 percent.During the first five months of 2009, the national index of prices to the consumer (INPC), which measured the Central Bank of Venezuela (BCV), was six percentage points above the indicator of Ecuador, which is the second highest variable in the region (2.9 per cent). The national integrated Customs Administration and tax (SENIAT) through the division’s assistance to the taxpayer of the Regional management of internal taxes, Capital Region provides personalized data update service to taxpayers, in order to facilitate formalities and the tiempo-respuesta to enter to the website in order to comply voluntarily with its tax obligations. According to instructions of the National Superintendent of customs and tax, Jose David hair Rondon this activity has been conducting is from the first days of the month of December, on the eve of the date to initiate the Declaration and payment of the income for the fiscal 2010 period. It is necessary to warn and remind people that since 2006 the national Government and regional administrations have decreed, on numerous occasions, the condition of electrical emergency, low the premise that such a declaration would reduce the contractual formalities of the systems of generation, transmission and distribution infrastructure. The truth has been that such works do not have accelerated as intended or not they materialized and in the worst cases it didn’t even know what was really needed doing to solve the precarious condition of electric service in which we find ourselves.