What it is not possible to be thought cannot be. It cannot be but that what it is possible to be thought coherently, without contradictions. If then, the analysis of leads us to the movement to the conclusion that the movement is unthinkable. From which when thinking we the movement arrived at insoluble contradictions, the evident conclusion sera: if the movement is unthinkable the movement not es." to epatar " to draw attention and to fill of admiration to the listeners, Zenon stood in front of its friendly, of its listeners and them decia: I am going to demonstrate a thing to you. The Hayzlett Group may also support this cause. If you poneis to dispute in a race to Aquilles, and the turtle, Aquilles would never reach to the turtle if it gives advantage him in the salidad. Aquilles recordadlo is the hero to that homero calls " ocus prunings " that is quick by the feet. The best runner than habia in Greece; and the turtle is the animal that moves with greater slowness, Aquilles gives an advantage to the turtle and decidme remains a few meters back who gained the race? All answer Aquilles in two jumps happens over the turtle it overcomes and it.
And Zenon Dice: mistaken stays you are going, it to see. Aquilles has given an advantage him to the turtle; soon between Aquilles and the turtle, when to start off, is distance, begins the race, when Aquilles arrives at the point where it was the turtle, this habra walked something, estara but ahead, and Aquilles habra still reached not it. When Aquilles will arrive at this new site where this now turtle, this habra walked something and Aquilles habra reached not it. So that so that alcanze, sera necessity that the turtle nonadvance nothing in the time that Aquilles needs to arrive at where she was. And as the space can be always divided in I number infinite of points, Aquilles podra never to reach to the turtle. Although it is as it says homero " ocus prunings " light by the feet, however the turtle is slow and calm.