North American

However, it and its husband is boarded for a man who says to them that it is necessary to choose the name of the child for the birth certificate before it has left the hospital. They desire to place a provisory name until they decide the name, what she is common in its country, but the man says to them that she would not advise them to try to change the name of the child because in America he is difficult and expensive. They opt to Gogol, but she has intention to change the name to it when he was determined. When Gogol reaches pertaining to school age, the parents decides to register it as Nikhil, but, the order of it, the director orders a ticket for the mother saying that it goes to call it Gogol. It is a little disappointed because in America its will as mother is not respected, but accepted the desire of the boy, who later would come if to repent of this choice.

The relation of Gogol and its sister, Sonia, with the parents sufficiently is afflicted. Both had been born and grown in U.S.A. and everything that desires is only to be North American citizens, what it is of difficult understanding for the mother especially. In one visit of people of the Indiana community, Gogol knows a girl who seems ugly and without favour for it. Colloquy with some women and one of them says for it to have fun itself to the maximum, but to be married one bengali. It sees that it has the red eyes, result of some time smoking marijuana, but for it that means that somebody is with envy of it. Gogol if form in the school and the father of a it a book of the author who gave to origin its name, but it does not import itself.

Russian Internet

I have already said that search traffic is the surest and reliable source of visitors. True to get to the TOP10-20 – the first page of search engine should make a great effort, especially when it comes to high- demands and competitive commercial queries. However, you can get from a search engine more traffic, given all the propagating ignorance Runet users. Illiteracy in the sense of language and performance spelling errors. People are increasingly drawn to the pickup, the glamor. And then the poor treat prostatitis and cold sores. If you noticed, the first word of the title topic is written with an error. The word “earnings” rather than one the letters “o” should be the letter “a”.

I specifically made sure that people paid attention. But such little things many people do not bother. Accordingly, and in the search bar Yandex, Rambler, Google and thick and often also gain errors. This, ladies and gentlemen, we must use it! And under the erroneous requests should sharpen if not individual Web sites, individual pages for sure. I’m such an experiment conducted took the name of the German people’s car. And he made a couple of posts in one of the blogs, then posted a few links to these posts and the people went. Traff was good, and now he goes though the page is not strongly promoted.

Fight for the mistakes it makes sense. Compare the frequency of requests for August by Some of the term only to Yandex, which uses 40-45% of Russian Internet. And there are other PS The correct form seeking Volkswagen 66770 Wrong form looking Volkswagen folsvagen 19146 3795 398 folskvagen correct form seeking earnings 32,443 irregular shape look correct form of earnings 4,167 430,295 business looking for the wrong form seeking business 8663 Proper form is looking for Toyota 146,054 irregular shape looking tayota 21,336 savvy? A lot of queries in search engines with errors. And that’s wrong sites or pages specially sharpened by an error bit. Therefore, the competition is there an order of magnitude or so lower than the search without any errors. Optimizers as hone sites and blogs under the correct anchors it and you should use and be sure to make money. Exhaust must be …

Treaty Letter

The secrets of successful letter advertising advertising by E-Mail is prohibited. Although it is tempting to write a large circle of interested parties for a few cents. Most of the mail recipient feel this kind of advertising spam pejoratively called undue harassment. That’s why many advertisers remember back shipping of classic Werbebriefen. Under the title success sales letters for more profit\”, the expert authors reveal the secrets of successful mail letter advertising pole advertising in their eBook report series. Each report contains relevant and practical letter texts, the 1:1 or write off with small adjustments can be. You put on the effect sales letter\”eBook report (1) – the effect sales letter if with your sales letter, you’ll get attention.

But be careful! Alone provided the effect-letter\”to little effect. \”Only if from him a sales letter\” is the text objectively, without big fuss of sale spoken and prompted to act, is your sales letter success. Hit on the timpani, but let go over you then your letter into a harmonious melody. The notes, see this eBook report\”to do so. eBook-report (2) – recover lost customers sure you have some who haven’t bought to you among your customers.

Perhaps the love competing for these buyers cared more, as you guessed it. To prove such an old business connection is usually usually not that difficult. A few promotional letters already wonders. The practice showed that over 50% of customers was won back in this way. From this eBook report you can write off such letters. eBook-report (3) – successfully, but barely known: Treaty letters time honestly, what is a letter of agreement know? No – how shall I put this as a sales letter? \”, be sure to tell. But have you not ever offered a special discount or a longer payment terms your customers? Maybe even a joint advertising campaign suggested? In the contract letter is the ideal shape of a range of cases.

More Revenue

Can a company with the help of the Internet better survive the crisis? Many companies are affected by the global crisis. To quickly to get out of this crisis, all means must be exhausted to find customers. Here, the Internet offers huge opportunities. Almost every company now has a company’s homepage, but for most, this is just a showcase in which the company will be presented. Too seldom exploited all possibilities to increase sales significantly with the website.

Each company should by a specialist analyze which products and services to market themselves on the Internet leave and then start an Internet marketing campaign. Now the homepage should be aligned more on the products and services which are marketed via the Internet. It should be taken out used the special sales texts. The structure of the website should be clear and clearly designed so that the visitor easily finds himself along. Also it is very important the home page load time should be short, because many sites lose visitors because the home much too long loads, and the competition is already pleased. The most important thing is now clear to make why just the offer on this website is the right thing for him the visitors.

Now it should be Web page visitors as simple as possible be made the offer to accept. A well-planned newsletter system can bring very much additional revenue if it is coupled with the right subject and special marketing actions. If the possibilities offered by the Internet is properly used, very large opportunities for additional sales and profit, so the crisis can become the engine of success.

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