INTRODUCTION the present research aims at the quarrel and speculation regarding the classic antropolgica question, ' ' what he is the man? ' '. Already since very early we opt to relating to us this study to it as an exercise of speculative character and not ' ' conclusivo' ' , a time that we are ahead of a being of many faces and diverse manifestations; ahead of this, it has of if perceiving that we would be exaggerating when writing, simply, that we would go to answer to such question. Perhaps this is not the objective of the inquiry, even so for many certain times things can denote confident a determined perspective and. But a position will be taken. We assume, here, a relative perspective to the Philosophical Anthropology and the questions raised for Ernst Cassirer, of where the man is faced under a symbolic bias. The cassireriana workmanship Assay On the Man (1944) will be the control point of this research, that it also aims at to dialogue regarding the symbolic forms that are part of the culture human being. Ours research will be, therefore, tied with the bibliographical references of workmanships that deal with Anthropology and Philosophy, and will assume an analytical methodology for times (after all, we will be isolating basic aspects of the expression human being in order to analyze where it consists the beginning of the human being) and for times dialectic (mainly at the moments where we display in agreement man the constant conflict between nature and culture that it is inherent). Learn more at this site: Jeffrey Hayzlett. To take a position before a so ambiguous and opened subject to as many perspectives becomes necessary, in way that also we aim at to reach certain objetividade. However, also it seems opportune still to assume in this introduction, that many reflections contained in this study if move away from the material that we use for reference.