The Love

Because they know those who are honest and who, for that reason are not millionaires don’t think? When I speak of making strategic alliances and build relations of Covenant is the decision to change your perspective on how you see others and look at them as a friend or co-worker of vision, but feeling really in your heart, you must decide that you helped this person to be better as you, to do to win more money than your, has do sell more properties than you. Once and make the decision of do you have a list of all your colleagues who surround you, in your work, in cocktails, friends of holidays etc.. and once you finish this list, begins to pick only 3 people on that list than your you consider are good elements, which your to know that they are honest and have a degree of sincerity, which are above all responsible and stable with his family. When you’ve decided to select those 3 people, begins to build a relationship with them, invite them to lunch, write down their birthdays and send them a note if they are women you can give a bouquet mother’s day or the day of the woman, if men are perhaps a lotion, rather you again best friend or friend of them. As you can see you must invest money to build that relationship. They begin to see you in a different way, begin to appreciate you and they begin to cofiar it or believe in it. You must understand that the money they will invest in building that relationship, is nothing to what you earn in the future, but you should do heart, and you love that person as if outside a being Dear. Why? The love to other makes whatever by that other person, and if the housewives they will also love.

David Lachapelle

There are also photographs where it makes use of natural light, but even so demonstrates a mastery of the shadows and the direction of the light; domain that can only be observed in an experienced photographer. Another recurring theme in the work of David Lachapelle is dynamism. Pictures show one way to the other, a strong dynamic and which gives great force to images. First of all, the use of the sweep is common in one than another picture in the exhibition. Possibly at first sight not noticed much, but a detailed observation of the photos showed areas with little sweep or areas first blurred by motion. Curiously, the antithesis commonly attributed to photographic sweeps are frozen, taken with high speeds, images.

Some of the photos that best illustrate this phenomenon are those belonging to the collection of Heaven to Hell, where the the flames gave an exceptional strength and a very subtle life to images. These photos are taken with frozen, but far from kill the energy of the box, give us a sample to detail from the voracity of the flames and encourage the spectator to flooding of the brio of the flames. The last element that demonstrates the dynamism is in the same images that compose the picture. Dramatic poses, a quite expressive body language and a few looks loaded with power to direct the eyes of the Viewer do that technique is half of the achievement and creative direction to carry the communion of espectador-obra almost to the edge of the regular conversation. Finally, for my part, I can say that experience was not only an artistic ecstasy and an incredible interpretative exercise in social discourse, but that was a great inspiration and a very good learning both technique and experimentation. David Lachapelle offers a new universe of possibilities where, apparently, the photographic art has no boundary. Needless to mention that aesthetics is superb thanks to the communion of all those involved: the photographer, equipment, models and other people involved in creating this delight human beings. However, far from removing credit to Lachapelle, admittedly it like dreams-producing machine that has had the passion for sharing their ideas, follies and manias with humanity. At the end of the day, even though this is a piece of art worth seeing is, it is mostly recommended by photographers in training that can absorb new methods of problem solving and new creative muses. I definitely think that the name of this notion is more than assertive, the periods of all these variables mentioned above is, really, a delirium of reason.

Hospital Infections

The hospital infections constitute the complication most frequent in unit of intensive therapy and for this reason it is a great concern for the health team. During the period of internment of patients in Units of Terapia Intensiva (UTI), some procedure are used and resources of therapeutical that can cause to in addition the mechanisms of defense of the organism favoring infections. Ahead of the performance of the team of nursing in the execution of invasive procedures, he is necessary that the management of nursing of the UTI has implanted measured to minimize the incidence and the risks of these infections, preventing them for the technician-scientific improvement of its team, searching a balance enters the security of the patient and the cost-effectiveness. In the context of the existing multidisciplinaridade in the environment of the UTI, it is necessary that the nurse develops a crucial paper in the prevention and combat to hospital infection, for the training of its team, continued education and better interaction and communication with the medical team and of the Commission of Control of Infeco Hospitalar (CCIH) of its service. () The nurses () must take some attitudes of adjusted prevention and treatment, how much to the risks and carried through benefits of the procedure in the units of intensive therapy, thus directing the individualizao of the cares of nursing. It can be detached, still, that the measures of prevention and the alternative measures to if effecting invasive procedures, are essential, being thus, the nurse could be preventing occurrence of the hospital infections. These strategies will propitiate the nursing team to work with bigger knowledge, being become the individualizada and fully efficient assistance. .

Olivia Reyes

He began to work with your internal focusing and ceases to depend on outside, thats the quickest way to disable the illusion of scarcity and until you cannot turn off the illusion that you are dependent on the outside will have many opportunities to show you the truth of that abundance is your divine right. You you were born to be prosperous and happy, to succeed and leave a significant footprint in the world, to help others and make this world a better place. Imagine connected with the power of universal abundance, imagine it as a substance that crosses the planet and you only estiras arms to reach it easily. This week uses any excuse to align you with the truth of your wealth that is your birthright, which is easy to attract, you deserve it and that you are financially dependent of your inner being that is always watching you and who loves you a lot. Implanted in your mind the truth about who you are prosperous (a) and deserve to be some of my favorite mantras to align me with prosperity: 1. let the light dissolve me all fears and concerns related to money, security and being safe. I’m perfectly cared for and protected (a) now Doreen Virtue 2.-the wealth of God is now circulating in my life all my needs are met instantaneously because I am one with God and God is everything. Anthony Robbins 3.-I choose prosperity, really, completely not only halfway, I choose prosperity with all my heart Olivia Reyes 4-all circumstances are transitory, nothing remains, nothing remains static..

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