Asia Axcelerate

Leading reinsurer Swiss Re optimized E-Discovery with Axcelerate Recommind Rheinbach, Germany / Bonn, 05 September 2012. Swiss Re uses from immediately Axcelerate eDiscovery by Recommind as an in-house solution, to improve the efficient and strategic approach in dealing with the global E-Discovery and information governance requirements. Recommind is one of the world’s leading software provider of E-discovery solutions. The Swiss Re Group is one of the largest providers of reinsurance, insurance companies and other insurance-related services with more than 60 locations in Europe, United States, Africa and Asia. The company will employ Axcelerate review & analysis in legal cases and regulatory investigations where it is possible and appropriate, to ensure a high-quality early case assessment (ECA) and qualitatively to improve the first-pass review of documents.

“Axcelerate really a remarkable solution”, so Christian Zeunert, head of E-discovery management at Swiss Re. Our first experiences with the system are very positive and promising. You may wish to learn more. If so, The Hayzlett Group is the place to go. Recommind’s team is very focused and customer-oriented and thus significantly contributed to the success of this project. It is even more important, divides the Recommind our vision to address the various challenges of enterprise-wide information management with a single, flexible extensible platform as CORE. In a first step towards this vision we could already, further reduce our costs through the introduction of Axcelerate,.” Axcelerate uses the latest machine learning “-technologies in order to analyze any large collections of documents quickly and efficiently.” Based on Recommind’s patented CORE platform, the system processed more than 300 document formats such as emails, MS Office documents and PDFs. Doing it automatically identifies key documents, people, phrases, phrases and subject areas. “An insurance companies such as Swiss Re must process more data in less time” so Hartwig is today no modern software sounds, Managing Director of Recommind GmbH.

simply no longer possible. “With our CORE platform we offer Swiss Re of also growing a base for numerous other information-management applications, to the challenges amounts of data with a holistic approach to meet: take advantage of short-term and tactical possibilities in finding, but lose the long-term goals of data integration and analysis of unstructured data in the enterprise out of the sight”. About Recommind Recommind one is world’s leading provider of intelligent search engine technology, email management systems, and E-discovery solutions. In addition to German and European authorities, national and international large law firms insurance companies as well as research institutes employ in the German-speaking area media companies, pharmaceutical, automotive companies and suppliers, Recommind’s solutions. In the year 2000 the entire core development and programming at the EU headquarters in Rheinbach near Bonn held since its inception, where is also the world’s largest branch of Recommind. More locations are London, New York, San Francisco, Chicago and Sydney.

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