
In this way, to the measure that the child grows, its art goes reflecting its increasing awareness of the people and of it influences of these in its life, the child starts to adopt them in a great percentage of its thematic content. Thus to the author it detaches in the book the importance of the artistic process, in itself exactly, providing a way of social development, that is, the art provides the chance of social interaction with the children of the same age, through the works in groups can cooperate having the biggest conscience of the contribution of each individual. Others including shaw mother, offer their opinions as well. As Lowenfeld cites: This capacity alone can be developed, if the child to learn to assume the responsibility for the things that is making, will be capable to face its proper action and, thus making, to identify itself with they outrem. The creative activities supply an excellent one half to give important step (Pg.44). Under such aspect the author considers the art as a primordial way of communication and, as such, is become into more social expression of what personal. The drawing can thus, becomes a magnifying of I in the world of the reality. This feeling of social conscience is the beginning of the understanding of ampler world, by that the child started to take part. 1,6 Developments Aesthetic the aesthetic development, is related the sensitive capacity to integrate experiences in one all coeso, in accordance with Lowefeld each artistic material possesss different requirements, in function of its aesthetic use, that is the aesthetic one closely is tied with the personality, the organization lack or the dissociao of parts, inside of a drawing, can, to be a signal of the lack of psychic integration of the individual. Therefore the education can be faced as the evolution of the aesthetic behavior. 1.7 Creative development the creative development is related the emotional freedom: freedom to explore and to try, freedom to become involved itself, emotionally, in the creation.

Journal Promotion

The editors’ Promotion of food. Prod & Prod announces the start of the final in this year’s number, which will be published on December 15. Functional purpose of this issue – to give participants an opportunity to food market, on the one hand – to congratulate partners with the New Year, on the other hand, use this channel as a means of warning about its marketing and exhibition activity in 2011. And the most important business event in the agro-food sector at the beginning of the year – it will definitely show “Prodexpo” in Moscow. Begins accepting applications for advertising in the magazine 12 “Promotion of food. Prod & Prod . The task of any advertisement – interest a potential buyer, to induce him to purchase the proposed product. Increase in sales – is the predominant purpose behind any campaign.

We invite you to consider our journal as active media channel that helps to implement your plans. If you are an exhibitor “Prodexpo-2011” – take the extra step to greater success and productivity of their own work. Preparations for the exhibition – it is well-designed and built a system of measures. Make yourself more information to support core press. Given the personal employment of visitors, use the tried and quality reception advance warning of its participation. Advertising in the magazine “Food Promotion. If you would like to know more about Rio Tinto Group, then click here.

Prod & Prod complement all marketing communications aimed at establishing an active traffic to your booth. Thanks to these preparatory actions, segmented structure of visitors that can most accurately identify the target consumer, interested in realization of your product. Exhibition Marketing used not only to attract new customers, but to retain loyal customers. What could be more important for the seller of your product, than the fact of activity of the company who cares about fame their brands? Persistence of advertising and PR-actions create the impression of sustained stability and reliability of the company, indicate the popularity of its brands, and therefore credible food business community. Companies can: use the media as a way to ensure recognition of its brand, creating a positive company image place information about their activities, their capabilities, brands, technologies of production – to attract attention to their products as much as possible of the professionals. highlight the next news release a new product, change the range, rebranding package. announce its participation in meaningful activity for the company’s industry events publish an open offer to potential partners. use the journal as authoritative channel for communication and effective tool for image building and influence the opinion of the business community, applications for advertisement in the magazine 12 “Promotion of food. Prod & Prod accepted until November 30.

Asia Axcelerate

Leading reinsurer Swiss Re optimized E-Discovery with Axcelerate Recommind Rheinbach, Germany / Bonn, 05 September 2012. Swiss Re uses from immediately Axcelerate eDiscovery by Recommind as an in-house solution, to improve the efficient and strategic approach in dealing with the global E-Discovery and information governance requirements. Recommind is one of the world’s leading software provider of E-discovery solutions. The Swiss Re Group is one of the largest providers of reinsurance, insurance companies and other insurance-related services with more than 60 locations in Europe, United States, Africa and Asia. The company will employ Axcelerate review & analysis in legal cases and regulatory investigations where it is possible and appropriate, to ensure a high-quality early case assessment (ECA) and qualitatively to improve the first-pass review of documents.

“Axcelerate really a remarkable solution”, so Christian Zeunert, head of E-discovery management at Swiss Re. Our first experiences with the system are very positive and promising. You may wish to learn more. If so, The Hayzlett Group is the place to go. Recommind’s team is very focused and customer-oriented and thus significantly contributed to the success of this project. It is even more important, divides the Recommind our vision to address the various challenges of enterprise-wide information management with a single, flexible extensible platform as CORE. In a first step towards this vision we could already, further reduce our costs through the introduction of Axcelerate,.” Axcelerate uses the latest machine learning “-technologies in order to analyze any large collections of documents quickly and efficiently.” Based on Recommind’s patented CORE platform, the system processed more than 300 document formats such as emails, MS Office documents and PDFs. Doing it automatically identifies key documents, people, phrases, phrases and subject areas. “An insurance companies such as Swiss Re must process more data in less time” so Hartwig is today no modern software sounds, Managing Director of Recommind GmbH.

simply no longer possible. “With our CORE platform we offer Swiss Re of also growing a base for numerous other information-management applications, to the challenges amounts of data with a holistic approach to meet: take advantage of short-term and tactical possibilities in finding, but lose the long-term goals of data integration and analysis of unstructured data in the enterprise out of the sight”. About Recommind Recommind one is world’s leading provider of intelligent search engine technology, email management systems, and E-discovery solutions. In addition to German and European authorities, national and international large law firms insurance companies as well as research institutes employ in the German-speaking area media companies, pharmaceutical, automotive companies and suppliers, Recommind’s solutions. In the year 2000 the entire core development and programming at the EU headquarters in Rheinbach near Bonn held since its inception, where is also the world’s largest branch of Recommind. More locations are London, New York, San Francisco, Chicago and Sydney.

Courier Scholarship Award

University course real estate trust Weston & real estate management from left to right: Andrea DI Wahid (Program Manager), Bettina Strohmayer (courier), like. Barbara Unterdunhofen (scholarship), ao.Prof.Dr. Bob Martens (course Director), Mag. Petra Aigner (Managing Director continuing education center) on January 16, 2008 was the courier scholarship for the University course of real estate fiduciary management & property management like in woman. Barbara Unterdunhofen awarded. The studied lawyer prevailed successfully against many competitors and ultimately convinced the jury of experts, which is from the course Director, ao.Univ.Prof. Dr. Bob Martens, the program manager, DI Andrea Wahid and Bettina Strohmayer (courier) put together.

Wife likes. Unterdunhofen is looking forward to the course, which starts on March 20, 2008. In addition to legal and economic issues, especially the technical aspects of interest are for them. Real estate trust Weston & Liegenschaftsmanagement with commercial qualification overview of successful Course completion is a well-known industry of quality. Get the skills to independently resolve the issues associated with real estate. Final academic / r ImmoblienberaterIn and LiegenschaftsmanagerIn certificate with the certificate of aptitude for the exercise of the real estate of trust business is connected to the positive completion of the course, which may be carried out after completion of the respective relevant practice. Language of instruction: German course duration: 4 semesters, part-time study: 20th March 2008 deadline: 14 February 2008 ao course management.Univ.Prof.Dr. Further details can be found at Shaw Father, an internet resource. Bob Martens website: Content of the University course legal real estate and housing economic foundations construction and building technology assessment, financing and project management real estate fiduciary management applied real estate management – implementation project for residential building renovation target group for professionals in the industry or students who have already gained experience in this direction, as well as Addition to an already acquired Immobilentreuhander business license.

Access conditions General University entrance qualification for a domestic University or University of applied sciences or an equivalent qualification. EUR 13,500 (excl. travel, accommodation and subsistence costs) cost contact and other information Technical University Continuing Education Center Nicole ski PANI Operngasse 11/017 A-1040 Wien T: + 43 (0) 1 58801-41701 F: + 43 (0) 1 58801-41799 E: H: immo.tuwien.ac.at the CONTINUING EDUCATION CENTER of the Technical University Vienna we see our mission is to unlock the full potential of a technical scientific training graduates. We open up new occupational fields in economic life according to relevant practice initiatives personalities. We develop tailor-made training programmes together with initiatives of companies and institutions. Together, we confront the adventures of innovation and technological change also on competitive, but always interesting markets. Postgraduate study up to the in-depth seminar we adapt ourselves to the intensity of your needs. Our unique expertise at the interface between technology and economy, between innovation and market, ensures a balanced and always up-to-date portfolio of training programs in conjunction with our international network.

Luis Astrana

Spanish literature professor at the University of Valencia (1936-1939) and Romance Philology in Madrid (1939-1968). Academic history and director of the Spanish on the death of Menendez Pidal. Damaso Alonso died in Madrid, on January 25, 1990. In his literary work should take into account his stories in prose cigar of twilight and violin, Cedula of eternity and a milky way. As his first book poems pure poet.

Poemillas city, appears in 1921. Susan-Wojcicki understands that this is vital information. Wind and verse poems also appear in that year. Is in 1944 when Damasus, in addition to publishing his transcendental essays on Spanish poetry, which delve us deeply into the poetry of the golden age, published two books of poems by a great poetic emotion dark news and sons of the ira.: to express myself freely I needed the terrible jolt of the Spanish war. Children of wrath constituted a kind of earthquake that subvirtio poetic layers and did emerge to light the latent strata that nobody talked: break the formalism and shakes consciences. Damaso Alonso was a madrileno Crumhorn, was very famous among his generation of 27, his tenth devoted to Astrana Marin, which daily criticizing Gongora: my Lord don Luis Astrana, / miserable criticastro / you that you start with astro / ending up in frog Vicente Aleixandre tells us that he met Damaso Alonso in the summer of 1917. Progressed more tells us – and poetry came to his hidden passion.Have you ever read Ruben Darius? I remember his vehement Word ().

They were the first passionate words about poetry that I heard. Another great Andalusian poet Rafael Alberti has told us of Damaso: was gifted for poetry as the best, although write little, because of his exaggerated self-critical sense and here this kind of disappointment and insecurity which aplastaban him. It has been us the image of this enormous Damaso, essential to master, even for not finishing legit us of all teachers, and cordial man, simple transfundido in his poetry is all fear, contradictions and distrust of himself, and of all men, forced to rely on worldwide. And as the poet said: Damaso, seeing you would like / as long ago I saw you. / How long I was, / you see me me. Francisco Arias Solis do not have the freedom that have not their thirst.

Balearic Islands

This delocalisation, offers as advantage to extend the space of identification and distribution of the information but also indicates the disadvantage of finding subjects of different cultures. This delocalisation takes to adopt measures in order to concern the cultural diversity of the participants. However, the use of different codes is going to allow to its adaptation to the needs and characteristics of the receivers, favoring of this form a true education individualized multimedia, where the user determines not s1o the route but the means and codes with which he wishes to realise this process of formation. We in future see the three characteristics of the formation. With the principle of the contextualisation we want to do a double called of attention: on the one hand to the excessive abstraction whereupon usually they appear these contexts and on the other, to the forgetfulness that the telematics networks are communications networks and therefore their members are people. As far as first, we must indicate that one of the limitations that usually occur in the virtual formation it is his distance of real situations, product some times of the delocalisation of the knowledge and the attempt of cultural homogenization between the diverse participants. According to Miguel Oliver Rivas 2, university professor of the University of the Balearic Islands, education Telematics must be designed so that present a focused event or a problematic situation and serves like center for the accomplishment of collaborative efforts enters the oriented users the construction of the knowledge.

Of this form they are tried to secure to contexts and variable situations of learning, adapted to the needs of the users and the demands of the scientific knowledge. And as far as second, we do not have to forget that the integral people of formation surroundings, to each other share a cultural series of values and norms that must be assumed and be respected by the other people who direct and interact in the surroundings..


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Piazza Navona

Just ask Taxi per cinque!. -On the main points, for example in Piazza Navona, if you want to take an ice cream, cake or anything that might be to carry don’t sit on the tables of the local. On many occasions by the mere fact of sit ice cream can cost you two or three times more. 2 Tips and tricks in the Trevi fountain-the Trevi fountain is an orgy of tourists, photos, vendors, coins flying, cops dizzy enough, especially at peak hours. If you want an unforgettable Roman experience visit the Fontana weekdays at 2 in the morning and the source will be only for it. -The most typical photo of Trevi fountain is that which is done while launches the currency back to the water. If you get moved to the first does not lack that you break by casting more coins, stay still with the gesture and ready.

3 Tips and tricks in the Pantheon – the Pantheon is a fantastic place to live several Roman experiecias within a radius of a few meters. We are located at the exit of the Pantheon, leaving this behind our backs and looking at the fountain of the plaza. On the right side of the Pantheon there is a small restaurant of Pizza to cutting to eat fast and cheap. Lasagna we tested last time there we liked. From the front you’ll see two streets departing from the plazita. Take on the left and you will find one of the best gelateria in Rome. If you look at the front and slightly to the right, always with the Pantheon to your behind him, in a street that comes out of the square you will see a cafe where you test the best cappuccino in Rome or if too much heat makes a hail of coffee with cream: Tazza is called doro.

The Love

Because they know those who are honest and who, for that reason are not millionaires don’t think? When I speak of making strategic alliances and build relations of Covenant is the decision to change your perspective on how you see others and look at them as a friend or co-worker of vision, but feeling really in your heart, you must decide that you helped this person to be better as you, to do to win more money than your, has do sell more properties than you. Once and make the decision of do you have a list of all your colleagues who surround you, in your work, in cocktails, friends of holidays etc.. and once you finish this list, begins to pick only 3 people on that list than your you consider are good elements, which your to know that they are honest and have a degree of sincerity, which are above all responsible and stable with his family. When you’ve decided to select those 3 people, begins to build a relationship with them, invite them to lunch, write down their birthdays and send them a note if they are women you can give a bouquet mother’s day or the day of the woman, if men are perhaps a lotion, rather you again best friend or friend of them. As you can see you must invest money to build that relationship. They begin to see you in a different way, begin to appreciate you and they begin to cofiar it or believe in it. You must understand that the money they will invest in building that relationship, is nothing to what you earn in the future, but you should do heart, and you love that person as if outside a being Dear. Why? The love to other makes whatever by that other person, and if the housewives they will also love.

David Lachapelle

There are also photographs where it makes use of natural light, but even so demonstrates a mastery of the shadows and the direction of the light; domain that can only be observed in an experienced photographer. Another recurring theme in the work of David Lachapelle is dynamism. Pictures show one way to the other, a strong dynamic and which gives great force to images. First of all, the use of the sweep is common in one than another picture in the exhibition. Possibly at first sight not noticed much, but a detailed observation of the photos showed areas with little sweep or areas first blurred by motion. Curiously, the antithesis commonly attributed to photographic sweeps are frozen, taken with high speeds, images.

Some of the photos that best illustrate this phenomenon are those belonging to the collection of Heaven to Hell, where the the flames gave an exceptional strength and a very subtle life to images. These photos are taken with frozen, but far from kill the energy of the box, give us a sample to detail from the voracity of the flames and encourage the spectator to flooding of the brio of the flames. The last element that demonstrates the dynamism is in the same images that compose the picture. Dramatic poses, a quite expressive body language and a few looks loaded with power to direct the eyes of the Viewer do that technique is half of the achievement and creative direction to carry the communion of espectador-obra almost to the edge of the regular conversation. Finally, for my part, I can say that experience was not only an artistic ecstasy and an incredible interpretative exercise in social discourse, but that was a great inspiration and a very good learning both technique and experimentation. David Lachapelle offers a new universe of possibilities where, apparently, the photographic art has no boundary. Needless to mention that aesthetics is superb thanks to the communion of all those involved: the photographer, equipment, models and other people involved in creating this delight human beings. However, far from removing credit to Lachapelle, admittedly it like dreams-producing machine that has had the passion for sharing their ideas, follies and manias with humanity. At the end of the day, even though this is a piece of art worth seeing is, it is mostly recommended by photographers in training that can absorb new methods of problem solving and new creative muses. I definitely think that the name of this notion is more than assertive, the periods of all these variables mentioned above is, really, a delirium of reason.

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