Journal Promotion

The editors’ Promotion of food. Prod & Prod announces the start of the final in this year’s number, which will be published on December 15. Functional purpose of this issue – to give participants an opportunity to food market, on the one hand – to congratulate partners with the New Year, on the other hand, use this channel as a means of warning about its marketing and exhibition activity in 2011. And the most important business event in the agro-food sector at the beginning of the year – it will definitely show “Prodexpo” in Moscow. Begins accepting applications for advertising in the magazine 12 “Promotion of food. Prod & Prod . The task of any advertisement – interest a potential buyer, to induce him to purchase the proposed product. Increase in sales – is the predominant purpose behind any campaign.

We invite you to consider our journal as active media channel that helps to implement your plans. If you are an exhibitor “Prodexpo-2011” – take the extra step to greater success and productivity of their own work. Preparations for the exhibition – it is well-designed and built a system of measures. Make yourself more information to support core press. Given the personal employment of visitors, use the tried and quality reception advance warning of its participation. Advertising in the magazine “Food Promotion. If you would like to know more about Rio Tinto Group, then click here.

Prod & Prod complement all marketing communications aimed at establishing an active traffic to your booth. Thanks to these preparatory actions, segmented structure of visitors that can most accurately identify the target consumer, interested in realization of your product. Exhibition Marketing used not only to attract new customers, but to retain loyal customers. What could be more important for the seller of your product, than the fact of activity of the company who cares about fame their brands? Persistence of advertising and PR-actions create the impression of sustained stability and reliability of the company, indicate the popularity of its brands, and therefore credible food business community. Companies can: use the media as a way to ensure recognition of its brand, creating a positive company image place information about their activities, their capabilities, brands, technologies of production – to attract attention to their products as much as possible of the professionals. highlight the next news release a new product, change the range, rebranding package. announce its participation in meaningful activity for the company’s industry events publish an open offer to potential partners. use the journal as authoritative channel for communication and effective tool for image building and influence the opinion of the business community, applications for advertisement in the magazine 12 “Promotion of food. Prod & Prod accepted until November 30.

Los Reyes Unidos

Cigar Collection Emilio Reyes appeared on the market is not so long, and consists of the following lines: the flagship of the DRG, Emilio Reyes, Breves, Flor de los Reyes, Don Priamo (in honor of his father), and Los Reyes Unidos (as a sign of familial solidarity.) All sizes Collections (from the usual parejo – cigar box-sized to) have a 7 formats, different wrapper, rolled out blends of tobaccos, and have a palette of flavors – from very soft to very strong (saturated). If you find a collection of what you need – you dally to cigars. All brands of Don Emilio, including “Adam and Eve ‘ imported and sold through Eden’s Gate Cigars, at a retail price of $ 3.25 to $ 5.50. This summer, the cigars’ Adam and Eve “will be presented in small format and in metal boxes, and maybe Don Emilio world reveal their latest cigar hand twist the highest class, with a taste of champagne and cognac. ‘All I want’ – he said quietly, – “it’s that every smoker of cigars and cigar got me assess its quality. You know, many do not smoke a cigar, and its prestigious rim – choosing warped image of prestige, rather than to enjoy the taste and quality. We want smokers to choose Adan y Eva and DRG not only in quality but also on their rim.

” When I asked about the cherished dream, Don Emilio says: ‘See the end embargo against Cuba, so that we can mix the Cuban and Dominican tobaccos. Of them can twist cigars incredible … I think that these tobaccos – the best in the world. ” That’s’ small, unknown company ‘has become a giant producer of many kinds, and Don Emilio Reyes – a benchmark of quality in the cigar world, getting together with a solid reputation among tobacco workers and manufacturers of cigars, a well-deserved recognition for market. Emilio Reyes knows about the cultivation of tobacco and tobacco sheet, more than anyone else in the Dominican Republic and Cuba, creating a whole series of areas for development. And he produces a wide range of outstanding cigars. How could afford to make the wrong choice cigars present their expert?

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