United States

Inpsicon: Which are the countries that look for this type of financing the International? And which are those that more resources have destined for support? Julieta Busts: Generally the countries of the Third World, and as we have so many problems we are one of the countries that more aid has. But the list of countries that are prepared to help is headed by Spain, that is one of the countries that interference in this type of aid and that sense has enough then or we would enter to see that for example the AECI (Spanish Agency of Cooperation the International) that sends calls and these they are made generally in the first trimester of every year and or in the following trimester which becomes is to make pursuit of the projects and the allocations become. Another country that helps much is Japan and there we would find abbreviation also JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency); the USAID (United States for Agency International Cooperation) that is the aid that comes from the United States. Of all ways we can enter the finders starting off to look for Decentralized Cooperation of Development. Pemco understood the implications. To to issue that order search you find listings there and you can look for in relation to the subject that works. Inpsicon: How it is the financial contribution that offers the favored projects? Julieta Busts: Good, in this point no international organization or of aid gives the 100% of the project, generally give to 80%, then the other 20% rest would be obtained or with the contributions of the same organization (the applicant) that is to say, we put, for example, three civil servants and have the infrastructure and that does 20% and the other 80% give to the organization donor it. In some cases, one is that you applied to a call and in that call they give only 20% you or then 30% what one does is to obtain co-financing until completing the 100% of the resources that are needed. .

Federal Constitution

Dictatorship: At a time where he was not allowed to question, it was questioned! Democratic state of Right conducted for the Great Letter: Who before questioned today assents in the arrest of who questions! Would not be this a incoherence? Perhaps, to if becoming p.m. the individual left of being Brazilian citizen who votes, paid taxes, carrier of rights, duties and obligations? I think that not! If in a movement of protest a manifestant either leader or led it, Police Military man or civilian, commands, practises or stirs up to torts I until understands that a time proven the fact, imprisoned it either! must! Not in penitentiaries as Bang 1. He is obvious! What it is questioned here is the fact to arrest somebody for the simple fact to question, to disclose itself. This yes is a incoherence! If to be to militate is to be private of the right to reveal opinion and to protest, then, it must be deduced that to be to militate it is to live under the regimen of the dictatorship! But, valley to remember, that we live in a Democratic State of Right, where the p.m. as well as all too much Brazilian citizens, have rights, duties and obligations! He says our Great Letter that ALL the Brazilian citizens have the right to congregate themselves to disclose pacifically, also, the right to the liberty of speech and of this I oppose to open hand! Perhaps they are made use to isentarem Policias Military and Firemen of the payment of taxes in Brazil? Of this I am certain that not! Obviously, so that any movement of protest has legitimacy it needs to be total supported for the article 5, interpolated proposition XVI of our Federal Constitution! On the other hand, it will be fact that the Federal Constitution of 1988 not in the ones of the right to the pacific manifestations and the liberty of speech, then, is clearly that our Great Letter if contradicts when imposes the Police women and paying Military Firemen of taxes, a regimen of dictatorship! is contradiction exactly why we live in a Country of Democratic State of Right! In its blog ' ' The art of pensar' ' Nigel Warburton, says: ' ' Some people argue that the breaking of the law never if can justify: if we are not satisfied with the law, we must try to change it through the legal steps, as the campaigns, the writing of letters, etc. .

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