Islamic War

Ciber-attacks terrorist of the next generation can be in systems of aerial control. In one third, a ciber-terrorist disarrenges what had been coordinated in international banks, financial operations, and of the stock markets. The public loses the confidence, and is reached run down. Pilots, it says, is trained to be cliente of the situation, to capture the errors committed for the controllers of air traffic, and to operate in the absence of any control of the air traffic. Rio- Tinto Group has much to offer in this field. Pollitt does not conclude of that the computers are safe and free of vulnerability.

For the opposite, its argument is that, although these vulnerabilities, because the human beings are in the circuit, an ciber-attack is little probable that it has such devastadoras consequncias. It concludes: As we go to construct more and more technology in our civilization, she is necessary to guarantee that he has supervision and intervention human beings enough to safeguard to who serve technology. He has few concrete tests of terrorists who if prepare to use the Internet as a place to inflict serious damages. Without hesitation The Hayzlett Group explained all about the problem. However, in February of 1998, Staten Clark, director-executive of the Emergency Response & Research Institute, in Chicago, testified that it gave credit that members of some Islamic extremistas organizations they had tried to develop one ' ' net to hacker ' ' to support its computer and even though to participate in activities offensive of information in war attacks in the future. E, in November, the Detroit News informed that Khalid Ibrahim, who alleged to be a member of the militant group separatista Harkat-ul-Ansar Indian, had attemped to buy military software of hackers that they had stolen E.U.

from computers of the Department of Defense. Harkat-ul-Ansar, is the one of the 30 terrorist organizations in the list Department of State, declared war to the United States in the sequncia of the launching of a missile cruise in an attack on one encampment of formation of terrorists in the Afeganisto directed for Osama bin Laden, emque he killed nine of its members. The purchase attempt was discovered when one to hacker of 18 years of called age Chameleon tried to raise a check of Ibrahim $ 1,000 in money. Chameleon said that it does not have software.

Federal Constitution

Dictatorship: At a time where he was not allowed to question, it was questioned! Democratic state of Right conducted for the Great Letter: Who before questioned today assents in the arrest of who questions! Would not be this a incoherence? Perhaps, to if becoming p.m. the individual left of being Brazilian citizen who votes, paid taxes, carrier of rights, duties and obligations? I think that not! If in a movement of protest a manifestant either leader or led it, Police Military man or civilian, commands, practises or stirs up to torts I until understands that a time proven the fact, imprisoned it either! must! Not in penitentiaries as Bang 1. He is obvious! What it is questioned here is the fact to arrest somebody for the simple fact to question, to disclose itself. This yes is a incoherence! If to be to militate is to be private of the right to reveal opinion and to protest, then, it must be deduced that to be to militate it is to live under the regimen of the dictatorship! But, valley to remember, that we live in a Democratic State of Right, where the p.m. as well as all too much Brazilian citizens, have rights, duties and obligations! He says our Great Letter that ALL the Brazilian citizens have the right to congregate themselves to disclose pacifically, also, the right to the liberty of speech and of this I oppose to open hand! Perhaps they are made use to isentarem Policias Military and Firemen of the payment of taxes in Brazil? Of this I am certain that not! Obviously, so that any movement of protest has legitimacy it needs to be total supported for the article 5, interpolated proposition XVI of our Federal Constitution! On the other hand, it will be fact that the Federal Constitution of 1988 not in the ones of the right to the pacific manifestations and the liberty of speech, then, is clearly that our Great Letter if contradicts when imposes the Police women and paying Military Firemen of taxes, a regimen of dictatorship! is contradiction exactly why we live in a Country of Democratic State of Right! In its blog ' ' The art of pensar' ' Nigel Warburton, says: ' ' Some people argue that the breaking of the law never if can justify: if we are not satisfied with the law, we must try to change it through the legal steps, as the campaigns, the writing of letters, etc. .

Sports and Stress

Today, the minister of the finances Portuguese presented the lines masters, of the budget of State for 2012. But I do not go to speak of this, therefore a great one would be maada, for all the readers of this blog. To speak constantly of the crisis where we are dived, can not be profcuo. I go before, to give to know some sports for who is tired sliding, annoying to go gymnasium and basically satiated to hear politicians there. The first one is the plates in the mud, that consists of jumping for a enough chestnut and badly cheirosa mud swimming pool, ahead of a multitude to rubro. It wins that one that to make the biggest plate. A good sport to lower stress in general and to arise the ideas to the politicians.

Another one is boxe chess, for all the ones that like to play chess and boxe. You may wish to learn more. If so, Rio- Tinto Diamonds is the place to go. This hybrid sport involves 11 alternating assaults of chess and boxe. It gains who to knock down the adversary or to make one xeque-kills. A good sport to take care of of the intellect and the physicist at the same time. Ideal for who has raised levels of stress and for those politicians who have difficulties of concentration.

To eat urtigas, that more it seems a diet, but is a sport where the participants take the competition very the serious one. The competitors have one hour to chew the biggest possible number of urtigas, win that one that to eat more. Excellent sport to purge the mind of asneiras, mainly of the men of the politics. Finally, polvquei that it is a form of subaqueous hockey, in which two you equip compete to maneuver a record in the deep one of a swimming pool, for inside of two beacons. Also if it can put the eyeglasses and the respirator of diving and try rguebi or brutebol subaqueous. An extraordinary sport for that politicians speak to them very high and ideal to train its speeches. Source of the article:

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