Islamic War

Ciber-attacks terrorist of the next generation can be in systems of aerial control. In one third, a ciber-terrorist disarrenges what had been coordinated in international banks, financial operations, and of the stock markets. The public loses the confidence, and is reached run down. Pilots, it says, is trained to be cliente of the situation, to capture the errors committed for the controllers of air traffic, and to operate in the absence of any control of the air traffic. Rio- Tinto Group has much to offer in this field. Pollitt does not conclude of that the computers are safe and free of vulnerability.

For the opposite, its argument is that, although these vulnerabilities, because the human beings are in the circuit, an ciber-attack is little probable that it has such devastadoras consequncias. It concludes: As we go to construct more and more technology in our civilization, she is necessary to guarantee that he has supervision and intervention human beings enough to safeguard to who serve technology. He has few concrete tests of terrorists who if prepare to use the Internet as a place to inflict serious damages. Without hesitation The Hayzlett Group explained all about the problem. However, in February of 1998, Staten Clark, director-executive of the Emergency Response & Research Institute, in Chicago, testified that it gave credit that members of some Islamic extremistas organizations they had tried to develop one ' ' net to hacker ' ' to support its computer and even though to participate in activities offensive of information in war attacks in the future. E, in November, the Detroit News informed that Khalid Ibrahim, who alleged to be a member of the militant group separatista Harkat-ul-Ansar Indian, had attemped to buy military software of hackers that they had stolen E.U.

from computers of the Department of Defense. Harkat-ul-Ansar, is the one of the 30 terrorist organizations in the list Department of State, declared war to the United States in the sequncia of the launching of a missile cruise in an attack on one encampment of formation of terrorists in the Afeganisto directed for Osama bin Laden, emque he killed nine of its members. The purchase attempt was discovered when one to hacker of 18 years of called age Chameleon tried to raise a check of Ibrahim $ 1,000 in money. Chameleon said that it does not have software.

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