The Stability

Or we can affirm that this case occurred with this garotinha is R AND L T I V? An only one suggestion: The necessary society urgently to turn itself toward the diverse social projects (serious) promoted by the civil society and to adopt an pro-active position in the direction to support the change of the most serious social situation of Brazil. The State is inefficacious imcompetent person and, until pra this. The civil Society, the private initiative in the last few decades has the responsibility for the biggest conquests of the Nation. The Stability, the progress, the technological development, the fall in the unemployment, the changes in the rules of the foreign commerce and much more, are conquests ours, have little or almost nothing to see with the classroom Brazilian politics, in the maximum what they had made had been to endorse and prescribed (pessimamente) our efforts, conquests and projects. We are the responsible greaters for the Brazilian conquests. We, only we. Therefore I suggest that let us assume plus this incubency, to take care of of our children, aged and families, to give they right it of walking shoulder the shoulder with that survives decent To give it chance to they of to frequentar the schools that mine and its children frequentam To give they what we conquer with work To give to chance and not alms. Brazil wakes up! Mcio Moral (31) 3082-7271 Site:

Saint Catherine

Another interesting point to be detached when observing these communities is the fact of the same ones to affirm that they do not hate the northeasterns who live north-eastern, ' ' we do not only like the ones that invade our land to confuse the other people’s life with lack of educao' '. This type of express thought a prejudiced ideology that has as base the hatred the mixture, the contact, the convivncia with people of other regions? in the case, the Northeast. The hatred, the revolt, the dissatisfaction is elements always gifts in the commentaries of those people who express its preconception openly? it is a feeling seemed, equal seno to the one of the Germans in relation to the Jews in nazista Germany. One determined northeastern who lives in Saint Catherine-SC postou in its blog a text on a celebrity corrupt politician of this State. A citizen of this not satisfied locality with the text? it was one of the few not satisfied with what he said the text, the majority of the catarinenses supported the text? for liking such politician, the following one wrote a commentary saying: ' ' … DOES NOT COME TO LIE, ITS CURSED CABEA-CHATA, THAT STEALS 75% OF THE TAXES OF MY STATE, OF MY REGION. I want to see these northeasterns we had started to come to here in great amount, I seeing all the companies of my family and we create organizations pra to kill northeasterns, HAHAHAHAHA, WE COME USUAL PRA HERE! Pra to see what it goes to happen &#039 to them; '. Northeasterns, either in the Southeast, either in the South, are white of the possible preconceptions most violent, having that to each day to fight, to not only gain ' ' bread of each dia' ' , but to have access to its social rights: the work, the housing, the education, the security etc.

Third World

In the generality, the academic thought always is stuffed of a cynicism and an esoteric bizantinismo that always derive from the deriving academic thought of the foreigner, especially in the areas of economy, psychology, sociology, right and over all in the areas techniques, as engineering and the medicine. Everything more goes if drawing as the foreign investments they go or has raw material scarcity, since this is drained for is or will go to take care of to the internal demand imposed by the foreign industries. In third, the financings for the acquisition of these equipment tend to increase because after that the innovations are acquired that impose new financings. In room, the specialized man power to give maintenance to these equipment always tends to be deriving of the native countries; in addition to little man power technique with great difficulty formed here and many times with public investment it will go to dislocate itself for the rich countries, attracted by the high wages, or will go to compose the pictures of employees of the foreign companies. still, the importation of this technology will fatally go to dismiss more. It is the machine of the dependence and the economic and social misalignment that never gave space to the local progress. The rules of the international trade immediately need to be reviewed.

The prices of the merchandises exported for the Third World are very low and this it imposes an effort without limit, since it does not have possibility of initial capitalizaton. The progress is right of all sovereign nation. With the new drawing of the global economy, associated with the serious financial crisis that if presents to the time where I write this article, the humanity walks for a generalized chaos. Most impressive, however she is that never the importance of the price of raw materials exported for the Third World was argued objective, even so economists as the Argentine Raul Prebisch has carried through studies that prove this position technical. Objective, high the gradual one and commanded of raw materials would save them of a side and would force the fall of the generated standards of wastefulness in the rich nations. Everything the more, that it is adjusted according to this intolerable economic system in the urban centers of the whole world, absorbing essential resources of all sum to the true progress, we walk for the frank exhaustion of the natural resources, the systematic aggression to the environment and of the possibility each scarcer time to equate the problem.

Agency Commission

Pricing for rental housing available at all the same. Any, reputable real estate company takes a commission for services rendered in a rate of 100% of the monthly rent for an apartment. The high price for the service agency due to the situation prevailing in the market rent of residential property. Consider all the factors that shape the real estate commission. Real estate. First of all, it's operations and real estate transactions.

A property in the capital, as everyone knows, is itself expensive. Contacting Customer dozens of real estate agencies – at the same time. Rare customer bother to choose one worthy of his attention on the rental agency and will work only with him, trusting him to specialists. Most clients apply for real estate agencies at 5-7. It turns out that working with the client all the agencies and services will be paid only to one agency. That is 6 out of 7 professionals for their work will receive nothing.

Agency specialists Rent "Adelia" recommends that you select one, but a good agency for renting, and confidently, calmly trusting his Agency and specialist work only with him. There will be more the result and less spent with the nerve agents from numerous agencies, who will feel the competition, and therefore seek all possible and impossible ways (not always ethical) populate the Customer. The conditionality of the application client. Clients of estate agents often leave the application to rent such a plan, "Need one bedroom apartment to rent for a family of 5 people and a cat with a parrot." Requirements flat: that was pure and repair under "Euro", neither the first nor the last floor, homeowners that have been good.

Cia Valley

Still in the industrial segment significant increase of relative participation occurred enters 1999 the 2003, and later the activity it presented has taken reduction in the production, very inexpressiva that would not fit effort for explains it. How much to the sector of services, two aspects are notables. The first one is the strong fall of the activity enters 1999 the 2003 and small recovery in the participation of the sector in 2008, however very on this side of the 1999 performance. 1.3OS TEN BIGGER CITIES IN TERMS OF The GIP As criteria of aggregate classification had been identified the ten cities that had presented the biggest values of the GIP for the years of 1999, 2003 and 2008, in economic terms these had been the biggest prominences of the State. The following analysis identifies the productive dynamic, the relative participation of the economic sectors in the municipal composition of the gross domestic product and the activities of bigger prominence in the unit. Ranking of the main cities in the generation of wealth in the state of Par offers a crucial qualitative analysis, he is possible to identify with this information processes of productive desconcentrao and the sprouting of new economic polar regions, or same the loss of hegemony of traditional centers or priority in the economy of the State for areas with abundance of resources, strategical localization, logistic infrastructure, among others. In this analysis what it is observed between periods it is that great changes with regard to the PIBs greaters of the State had not occurred, in the truth with small alternations in the classification order, nine identified cities of the ten in the year of 1999, continue if keeping it enters the biggest products of the economy, the exception is on account of the city of Cana of the Carajs that presented fort dynamism, but the great changes had happened in function of Copper the commercial Ore exploration for the Cia Valley of the River Candy from July of 2003. .

School Calling Lives

Many parents complain that the parents meetings of and master go to, or take care of to the invocations of the school to always hear the same thing on its children: it does not make the tasks, not delivery works, does not have notebook in sequence, it does not bring material, it forgets books frequently, it provokes the others, it disturbs the lessons, it talks the time all, it sleeps, etc. It enters year, it leaves year and the picture does not modify. You already put of punishment, already she took off its belongings, she hindered already it to leave with the friends, already she contracted particular professors and nothing dumb. Perhaps either the hour to understand that its son necessary of a multiprofessional evaluation. The normal one is the child to learn, exactly that in different rhythms, but one or two red until is considered common, had this rhythm, but to oppose to learn it cannot be considered normal. Exactly that its son makes everything in the computer, plays videogames with sufficient ability does not mean that it does not have learning difficulties. The computer does not serve as parameter for this type of difficulty, therefore it has a very great power to fascinate and guarantees the attention of any person. The user of a computer creates for it one ‘ ‘ hiperfoco’ ‘ , that is, it has in it the motivation necessary to pass hours of it ahead, therefore the visual stimulatons are interminable and the brain has more easiness in if concentrating in these stimulatons.

In the school, the situation is another one. It has a chalk blackboard, a book, a notebook and a mount of people pra to attract its attention. If the child presents attention deficit, it will not obtain to arrest itself to the book, nor to the blackboard, neither to the teacher for more than 2 or 3 minutes. The school must direct these pupils for one psicopedagogo that it will make the preliminary tests and it will distribute the remaining portion of the analyses between the fonoaudilogo, the occupational therapist, the psychologist and even though the neurologist. We do not have simply to tax the pupil of bagunceiro, sluggish, without analyzing a general context. We must abide the questions of the type: It has how much time it brings this mount of red notes? How he was this pupil in basic education I? It is neglect the time all? It is impossible to keep seated it? He is disorganized? He loses the things frequently? He is aptico? If its son corresponds to some of these questions you needs helps it with urgency, therefore it can be suffering very with its failure pertaining to school! One remembers, if a young one if finds incapable, has its auto one esteem destroyed for the pertaining to school results and nothing it is made by it, it will finish if becoming a dependent, unsafe adult, with difficulties in leaving to look a job, or same with problems in remaining itself in this job and will bring much suffering for its life and family.

Paraphrasing Cordiolli

Finally, proper Pablo Freire appeals itself to it to strengthen the agreement of the term dialogue. The dialogue, in the truth cannot be made responsible by the distorted use that of it if makes. For its pure imitation or its caricature. The dialogue cannot be become into one ' ' it beats-papo' ' unobligated perhaps that it marches to the taste of between professor or the teacher and educandos. The pedagogical dialogue in such a way implies the content or cognoscvel object around that it turns how much the exposition on it made by the educator or educator for the educandos (FREIRE 1997, p.118 cited by ZITKOSKI, 2007, p.48). this thinker still strengthens this study saying that ' ' the severity cientfico' ' it does not only appear in the quiet privacy of books, but it can elapse of the reflexiva and critical relation with the others. thus, the relation educator, educating and object of the narrow knowledge, allowing the achievement of the conscientizadora action. The professor can use the classroom, as much for the dialogue, as for the debate or the indoctrination.

indoctrination is exemplificada in the film ' ' Onda' ' , where the professor simulates one practical nazista where pupils follow its ideas until the professor loses the control. From there the investigation: you teach, or pass its ideology? (HAPPINESS, 2010, P. 32) In the classroom guideline for the dialogue that constructs the knowledge or for the simple transmission of the knowledge? It is known that the educative process is not neutral, then is necessary that if it plans, thinking about the pupil as a citizen that learns beyond the content that the professor objective develops, following the ideological route that is for backwards of the propagated contents. 4Mapas Conceptual Another important contribution in the management of the classroom is the conceptual maps. Paraphrasing Cordiolli (2009, P.

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