Projection and awareness: concepts to improve the quality of intrinsic life. Much is seen to speak in projection nowadays. The projection is one of the found mechanisms of defense more in the personality and occurs all time that the Ego, already not obtaining to restrain a criticvel trend in itself exactly, projects it in the exterior world, alliviating, thus, the anguish of its interior responsibility. In the projection the person in place to assume its proper positive motivations or not, looks for to defend itself, attributing it the others to it. Instead of saying ‘ ‘ I am agressiva’ ‘ , he says, ‘ ‘ the other is agressivo’ ‘ , ‘ ‘ I hate those pessoas’ ‘ , diz’ ‘ those people me odeiam’ ‘ , ‘ ‘ I am being desonesto’ ‘ , she says ‘ ‘ they are being desonestos’ ‘ ‘ ‘ not gostos of that one pessoa’ ‘ she says, ‘ ‘ that person does not go with mine cara’ ‘ for goes there The man perceives the surrounding environment according to its interior world, (intrinsic) its state of spirit and way of if placing in the world, that until certain point it is normal. It answers as its habits, aptitudes, emotions, affectivity, expectations and desires. Additional information at Rio Tinto Group supports this article. Humorada and a well decided person in the life sees the world different of the pessimist.
In this way the people under pressure of strong acceptable emotions, appeal the projection to preserve the auto-image. The main types of projections are: projection of hatred, projection of guilt and generalized projection. The hatred projection is a behavior generally of the antisocial one. The person hates the others or strange people to its conviviality and finishes hating for example ampler meeting and attributes to the others its feelings and says: ‘ ‘ someone does not go with mine cara’ ‘ ‘ ‘ another one me detesta’ ‘ and so on. In the guilt projection the person makes responsible the others for the proper errors and failures. The negligent employee who always arrives behind, ‘ ‘ because the transit in the city is pssimo, this raining etc’ ‘ ; the pupil who does not understand substance it was talking in the lesson, because ‘ ‘ the professor not explica’ ‘ it could ask for to repeat if he was giving attention.
in the generalized projection is of that if it sees in all the people and it starts to make tendenciosas interpretations. The popular saying ‘ ‘ Who uses, cuida’ ‘ it explains well this type of behavior; the dishonest one distrusts of everybody, the antiethical one sees immorality in everything, deep it is only honest, pure, good, caridoso, etc. the projection neurotic can determine the choice of a profession or a style of life. For our emotional balance, we must disdain the negative projections, preventing to criticize the others, preventing to accuse other people’s defects, other people’s sexual choices indiscriminately, etc, and leaving to face our fellow creatures as serious enemies or persecutors. Neither we must give credit that they attack, that they accuse, that they live to defame the others. The awareness of our projections in the aid to live better and to have self-knowledge and quality of subjective life. Peace deep, faith, light and victory to all xxxxx Norm AP.