Loans From Private Individuals – Private Loans

Personal loans bring private people who are looking for a loan, and private individuals platforms on the Internet, the money give together – benefits and risks for the participants. With the giving of credit among individuals, a trend has come to Germany, which is documented in the United States and the United Kingdom already in successful Internet sites, where lenders and borrowers without the involvement of a Bank come together successfully. A private loan contract between two individuals through the provision of a loan is not on form, as long as he meets the General rules of civil law contracts and through the conclusion of contracts. In terms of risk control, it’s proven concept of some platforms of online personal loans for lenders to set up a backup system made by donors, takes over within the solidarity in the case of credit failure. However, this concept involves collaboration with a Bank and there are other approaches in the Internet increasing dynamics. Here the question arises to safety but then multiple clear: how is dealt with my data? Unfortunate examples allow justified doubts as to the functioning of some portals. In addition, private money lenders may not so easily several times to lend money and therefore professional and subject to a permit to operate banking: the platform indicates this limitation? A market for private lenders are willing to take risks, which would not accept commercial lender that is however not always very favourable for the borrower is created. Basically the consumer loans law does not apply, it was not expressly contractually agreed.

Of course, there are lenders who see themselves obliged the social lending and based on the current level of interest rates – others however agree collateral demanded by banks. Here, freedom of form can be the problem of contracts. Looking for a loan by owners which is private Financing request on the appropriate platform with information about the credit, to specify the height of the desired loan and the interest to be paid? Lenders will check the identity of a borrower, may overtake a Schufa-information or request. Conclusion is that the same rules apply as in the closest circle of acquaintances: money is a matter of trust. Corinna Friedrich born Wan loans among private individuals

New Exhibition

In the Museum of civilization visitors from September can follow an epic in Canadian history Canada’s past as a fur-trading Empire will fall with a new exhibition at the Museum of civilization in Ottawa again brought this to life. Profit and ambition: The Canadian fur trade, 1779-1821 “from September 11, 2009 for a year is the story of the North West Company, an Association of entrepreneurs in Montreal as well as Scottish Explorer, bison hunters and Native trappers. Together, they have created a commercial Empire and built new roads across the continent. So they laid the foundation stone for the present-day Canada and influenced the history of the country decisively. The exhibition presents over 250 large and small artefacts such as the Bieber fur CAP, which were the main reason for the fur trade canoes made of birch bark, which were invented by the Native trappers and later used the means of transport of the fur traders. The Museum of civilization is a research and information centre for attracts the national history of Canada and the most popular cultural institution in the country, more than 1.3 million visitors. Main task of the Museum is to preserve the cultural heritage of the country for future generations. The Museum is open from 9: 00 a.m.

to 18: 00 or from October until 17: 00, entrance fee is around eight euros. Find more information about the Museum and the exhibition at. More about the past of the voyageurs learn, anyone, can visit as well the Canadian Canoe Museum in Peterborough or the Fort William Historical Park in Thunder Bay, in the northwestern part of the province. For more information about both sites there are under and index.php.

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