Balearic Islands

This delocalisation, offers as advantage to extend the space of identification and distribution of the information but also indicates the disadvantage of finding subjects of different cultures. This delocalisation takes to adopt measures in order to concern the cultural diversity of the participants. However, the use of different codes is going to allow to its adaptation to the needs and characteristics of the receivers, favoring of this form a true education individualized multimedia, where the user determines not s1o the route but the means and codes with which he wishes to realise this process of formation. We in future see the three characteristics of the formation. With the principle of the contextualisation we want to do a double called of attention: on the one hand to the excessive abstraction whereupon usually they appear these contexts and on the other, to the forgetfulness that the telematics networks are communications networks and therefore their members are people. As far as first, we must indicate that one of the limitations that usually occur in the virtual formation it is his distance of real situations, product some times of the delocalisation of the knowledge and the attempt of cultural homogenization between the diverse participants. According to Miguel Oliver Rivas 2, university professor of the University of the Balearic Islands, education Telematics must be designed so that present a focused event or a problematic situation and serves like center for the accomplishment of collaborative efforts enters the oriented users the construction of the knowledge.

Of this form they are tried to secure to contexts and variable situations of learning, adapted to the needs of the users and the demands of the scientific knowledge. And as far as second, we do not have to forget that the integral people of formation surroundings, to each other share a cultural series of values and norms that must be assumed and be respected by the other people who direct and interact in the surroundings..

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