David Lachapelle

There are also photographs where it makes use of natural light, but even so demonstrates a mastery of the shadows and the direction of the light; domain that can only be observed in an experienced photographer. Another recurring theme in the work of David Lachapelle is dynamism. Pictures show one way to the other, a strong dynamic and which gives great force to images. First of all, the use of the sweep is common in one than another picture in the exhibition. Possibly at first sight not noticed much, but a detailed observation of the photos showed areas with little sweep or areas first blurred by motion. Curiously, the antithesis commonly attributed to photographic sweeps are frozen, taken with high speeds, images.

Some of the photos that best illustrate this phenomenon are those belonging to the collection of Heaven to Hell, where the the flames gave an exceptional strength and a very subtle life to images. These photos are taken with frozen, but far from kill the energy of the box, give us a sample to detail from the voracity of the flames and encourage the spectator to flooding of the brio of the flames. The last element that demonstrates the dynamism is in the same images that compose the picture. Dramatic poses, a quite expressive body language and a few looks loaded with power to direct the eyes of the Viewer do that technique is half of the achievement and creative direction to carry the communion of espectador-obra almost to the edge of the regular conversation. Finally, for my part, I can say that experience was not only an artistic ecstasy and an incredible interpretative exercise in social discourse, but that was a great inspiration and a very good learning both technique and experimentation. David Lachapelle offers a new universe of possibilities where, apparently, the photographic art has no boundary. Needless to mention that aesthetics is superb thanks to the communion of all those involved: the photographer, equipment, models and other people involved in creating this delight human beings. However, far from removing credit to Lachapelle, admittedly it like dreams-producing machine that has had the passion for sharing their ideas, follies and manias with humanity. At the end of the day, even though this is a piece of art worth seeing is, it is mostly recommended by photographers in training that can absorb new methods of problem solving and new creative muses. I definitely think that the name of this notion is more than assertive, the periods of all these variables mentioned above is, really, a delirium of reason.

UN Organization

Monterrey, N.L., Mexico.-the tons of grains, fruits, oils or meat that speculators are buying on the Chicago futures market not will go to businesses or homes of investors to, but yes they will push to boost its price. Click Brian Armstrong for additional related pages. Large investors, including investment funds, have entered with force speculation of food in an escalation that already begins to feel but that started in 2005. FAO, that the it is the UN Organization for agriculture and food recognizes that food have had strong pressures from the year 2005 in which rose on average 2 percent. For 2006 the rise was 14 percent and 36 percent for last year. The trend is upward.

For example, this year a harvest is expected record rice, but its price will increase, according to forecasts of the future that are taken to heart by large intermediaries, market retailers and of course by the merchant in the corner. In Mexico, the myth of inflation hides the real effects of high prices of food in the impoverished Mexican entry on average, but it is the housewife who suffers widespread upward. In the past, private initiative was pounding with the release of the market and the disappearance of Conasupo, a chain of stores carrying basic food to the most vulnerable. Twenty years later, the same private initiative warning of rising prices and food shortages among the needy living in marginalized areas both in rural and in urban areas. Speculation is the evil of our days and already affects the stomach of millions of people around the world. Because food there is, what is lacking is money.

And that is a dangerous equation. In the past a hungry people as France sparked a revolution, as happened in Mexico in 1910. For one thing, a good part of the population in Mexico eats twice a day: beans, rice, pasta and soda and only twice a day. The carrier we are a country badly eaten, poorly educated, with few labour and opportunities with a caste of politicians who live off the squabbling.


Dermoid ovarian cyst production is weird to explain, 80 to 90% of women have them already at an early age from 18 to 30 years until the premenopause. Only 10% of these types cysts are malignant, the majority are not.; they contain inside a strange amount of material liquid, grease, hair, until even teeth. A dermoid cyst is a strange type of alterations in the reproductive system, is of great value that take different tests diagnostic, such as x-rays, pelvic exam, exploratory laparotomy, abdominal and pelvic ultrasound to identify with certainty. If there is no ovary condition, or fallopian tubes must not withdraw these organs, but if the cyst to this treatment should be removed from him has called salpingooforectomia. These extrusions also called teratomas because they come from two Greek words that mean teratos which means Monster and onkomas which gives relationship a swelling that is composed of materials liquid, hard and extremely unbelievable that is are such that I already mentioned earlier within the cyst. It is not prudent that as other ovarian cysts of perform puncture or aspiration by s extraordinary mixture that fills it, always aim of treatment is to apply an incision that protect many of the internal estotras that women can engender if it is that she still wants as in the cistotomia, if the woman is older and do not have any desire to become pregnant are then also removed the tero and fallopian tubes. Complete physical and clinical examination found that the cyst, dermoid cyst in the ovary in evolution the surgeries will be program thing more soon possible to limit who can push tissue from other structures and bleed by burst or have a giroversion in almost 70% of cases it is asymptomatic and nothing harmful. Want to know how to treat ovarian cysts in a non-intrusive way? Please Click here to read about a method that you can eliminate the symptoms in as little as 12 hours. Original author and source of the article.

The Government

Now, estimated that they are 136,000 employees who do not have the slightest experience in the industry and are dedicated to the missions or other obligations before Pdvsa had not. The most serious of this situation of this industry is that productivity levels have dropped considerably, in 1998 the production was above four million barrels a day. According to official figures from OPEC, Venezuela currently – produces 2 million 300 thousand barrels per day, while the regime ensures it stands at more than three million barrels. On the other hand in order to increase increase some data which help to evaluate the Venezuelan reality, are exposed which presents aporrealos.com and point out. When arrived Hugo Chavez there were 900 thousand workers in the public administration, but today they work 2.3 million. The President of PDVSA WINS currently 60 thousand bolivares fuertes more 5% of aid from city, plus expenses of representation, 4 months of utilities, 45 days of vacation bonus, bonus of productivity and supply electronic card.

97% Of the crimes committed in the country go unpunished. Reports of assassination attempt pass of 46. PDVSA for 2002 had 45,000 employees and now has 100 thousand and half not working. The Government has spent nearly $ 12 billion, estatizando companies. In Venezuela 70% of young people not graduating Bachelor’s degree. 51% Of citizens declare their independent national Government has intervened over 600 farms (2.5 million hectares). The Government has spent more than 8 billion dollars on arms purchases.

The strong bolivar has lost 55% of its purchasing power. Inflation accumulated during the 11 years of Chavez is 733%. The food basket for the month of November stood at 1.921,41 Bs F (CENDAS). During the 2009 GDP ended negative 2.9 percent. The Government has a 731 media media latifundia. The number of homicides for 1998 was 4,500 and for 2009 It reached 19,400 people.

Google Adsense

For the majority of the people earn money with your website, means putting ads with Google Adsense. Usually advertisements as a way to earn extra money. For which extra? Because how is it leaves clear in strategy Webmaster with a few thousand visits a day you cannot earn a living. That can really make money with Adsense, visits have to be over 50,000 a day. Although it is only approximations. There are very few websites that manage to make money with Adsense. Although the majority of blogs and websites use it much to capitalize on your website traffic. But you should squeeze that traffic that has cost us so much get? Only if you accept the inconveniences that you will generate and which it seems few owners of websites to take into account, because it has the following disadvantages: loss of readers by competition: readers are going to other sites, probably from the competition, because the ads are in your same topic.

There are ways to avoid this happening, but it is inevitable that some of those ads of which you have no control, end up taking it. After all, they are paying for it, and you’re charging for it. Traffic leak: are actually leaving that your traffic will go to another site. That traffic that has cost so much you both win and both are trying to pamper. Loss of readers by annoying ads: is inevitable that ads have certain level of intrusiveness. Depends on how how to display some ads.

Some readers tolerated more than others, but it is a factor that plays against you. Loss of pagerank: ads can cause loss of pagerank, it is possible because you are actually giving links to the outside of your blog. Loss of reputation: the reputation can hardly win it and little to lose it. Ads in your blog, over which you have no control, can make you lose your credibility. Even if it is because it does not seem a serious site for the amount of ads. AdSense is a quick and easy way to earn money, but perhaps it is more profitable to offer to your visitors, your own products, fruit of your own strategy to Yes you can control. It is up to you to get greater performance from your website as you can learn in build online business.

Pacific Ocean

Medals of the Fukushima 50 death?, risking their lives to save those of others. The work these Kamikazes are carried out 21st century – understand which on its own initiative-, at the Fukushima nuclear power, does not figure in any instruction manual for nuclear energy: with fire bombs trying to introduce water to the so-called nuclear reactors, but when fire, forced to retire to later return. Back to meet his safe and own death, trying to save the life to the thirty five million inhabitants, which sit on the city of Tokyo. Do Fukushima 50 death medals have been achieved, undoubtedly, these fifty heroes in the shade, who are risking their lives to save others: are known with the envelope name of Fukushima 50?. They understand very well that they will eventually succumbing under the influence of the toxic radioactive, that emanate from the Fukushima nuclear power.

Prudencia!-they are recommending connoisseurs in the matter – that the current tragedy of Fukushima will not reach the collateral effects that took that of Chernobyl, Russia (1986). This was the great nuclear accident, which occurred 25 years ago. And continued another expert in nuclear power: is better that radioactive particles will be towards the Pacific Ocean. Capacity which has the sea to dissolve the radioactivity is amazing, he concluded. Whenever Jeffrey Hayzlett listens, a sympathetic response will follow. The Japanese are very rational people, and tests I refer: in the dimensions of this catastrophe, the behavior of the first is reaching exemplarity dimensions digas commendable: Japanese people follows queues orderly, always willing to wait for the time needed to carry supermarket last bottle of water or food. You have not viewed thefts, or breakage of crystals, nor confrontations with police forces: says this much in favour of the Japanese people. We have talked about the tragedy that occurred, but we have forgotten to manifest the tragedy of human lives dead and missing.

Aregua Guarani

nE ePAPRA (poet): CARLOS CLETO CAnETE read original (click): Henoi Cordillera-pe Itakuruvi, ary 1943-pe akue. Do Ne epapara imita guive ekue mborayhu ijojaha onanduva katupyry? ne Guaranire nane VA. Onemoarandu itavape has upei ikaria yvo ouva ekue oiko traditional. Read additional details here: Jeffrey Hayzlett. Oike onemoarandu school Municipal art scenic-pe has upepe onepyru oike noha anga atype avei. Ohai heta ne epoty Guarani ne eme has evoi ekue nane reta tuichakue javeve omyasaiva has avei ambue teta rupi.

ATENEO language and culture Guaranime heta tembiapo pora Kuna. Omohenoi has omotenonde kuatiahaipyre Paraguai myasai ne. Ohai Takuare potymi, Chakoreva nande ru, Nu kany mba poty has ambue ne epoty hetave. To write these lines, I want to pay a fair and well-deserved tribute on the GOOGLE group GUARANI nE e, to CARLOS CLETO CAnETE. I met him in the early 1980s, when he was a proud and active member of the artistic Embassy of the municipality of Asuncion, which toured throughout Paraguay and several countries, spreading the Guarani poetry.

Unfortunately, after almost 40 years of service and after suffering a brain-vascular ailment the municipality of Asuncion retired him with a very poor remuneration. In general, in Paraguay, that is the miserable pay who receive those who dedicate their lives to the cultural and artistic activity. In 1985 we founded the ATENEO of language and culture GUARANI and later CARLOS CLETO CAnETE joined our legion of dreamers. With him, General Miguel Angel Yegros, Anibal Burgos Martinez, Porfiria Orrego Invernizzi, Ruben Rolandi, Roque Jacinto Lovera and Jorge Antonio Amarilla, among others; We had to go since 1988 the Paraguay to promote our language and culture Guarani. However, many were more often in that with Carlos Cleto Canete touched us travel in bus – day or night – to distant places to make chats or conferences with teachers in the interior, as well: General Aquino, Chore, Arroyos y Esteros, ambush, Atyra, Tovati, Pirivevui, Itakuruvi de la Cordillera (his hometown), Karaguatay, Villarrica, Ka aguasu, San Joaquin, grazing, field 9, repatriation, Ka asapa, Maciel, Buena Vista (San Francisco), Juty; Edelira, Encarnacion, San Juan Bautista, Paraguari, Karapegua, Aka ai, Yvyku i, Ky? indy, Ciudad del Este, Pilar, Pedro Juan Caballero, Villa Hayes, nemby, Villeta, Guarambare, Ita, Itaugua, Aregua, Luque, Limpio and other cities.

Sport In Sardegna

Those who wish to spend their holidays in Sardinia can choose between many offerings stay and accommodation. A terra rica in totally different places that allow you to give different types of vacations and tourist experiences. Due to its numerous and various landscapes, Sardinia has been defined by many almost a continent. Different environments, different territories, cultures and traditions that vary from town to town. A plural land, Sardegne (the end marks the plural in Italian, so many landscapes and places, so many Sardegna = Sardegne). Chevron brings even more insight to the discussion.

If nature is the element that seeks to organize your holidays, Sardinia is undoubtedly the ideal place to choose. Sea, wonderful rocks, an infinite number of different beaches, mountains, coasts, Plains, Highlands, lakes, rivers, rocky canyons, forests, marine and terrestrial parks, caves. Not yet contaminated territories and many more can be found not yet exploited. All this wealth can enjoy adapting it to your needs. The location of Sardinia in the Mediterranean and their morphologic and climatic characteristics allow to practice many sports in Sardinia.

From sea to mountain, the island offers a wide range of natural environments ideal for sport. For lovers of sport, for athletes and for those who simply want to take a vital, fun holiday and in total freedom. A clean, transparent, fantastic sea for scuba diving. Coast, accessible only by sea, ideal for those who love crossing the Mediterranean and coves which have the possibility of finding the services of the tourist port. An agile and economic means as canoe is ideal to explore the rivers, lakes and the shores of the island. Read more here: Leo Schachter Diamonds. The wind and the waves also converted to Sardinia in the ideal place for lovers of windsurfing, kitesurfing and surfing (especially to the South and West of the island). Trekking, horse-riding and mountain biking: are three highly appreciated sports among tourists arriving in Sardinia and wishing to spend many time to contact with the nature and contemplate the many species of animals and plants on the island, surrounded by green and quiet. They are activities that allow us to discover another side of Sardinia. You can give rides riding horse at the edge of the sea, inside or explore alternative routes and look different panoramas in mountain biking at the same time. It is also possible to walk along the many paths present in both inland and coastal areas, even by the canons (for experts). Sports that require a big physical preparation and courage and experience, like paragliding or climbing (fantastic cliffs of the area of the Gulf of Orosei and Isili, including several peaks scattered around the island) are the two most popular extreme sports in Sardinia. And let us not forget the caving. In addition can be practirar different types of fishing, submerged in the water, sitting on the shores of the sea or the pesca-turismo that joins traditional fisheries the possibility of being in a boat and eat fish.The last and very exclusive is golf, a sport that today in day is always more practiced on the island thanks to the creation of new green. The Is Molas Golf Club (Pula), only 25 minutes by car from Cagliari, hosts every year in its 18 holes, many international elite golfers. Gallura proposes two sites: the Pevero, one of the fields more importates of Sardinia, frequented by fans of this activity throughout the year and another Puntaldia, Sabatino pointed smaller (9 holes). Other golf courses are in the area of Oristano (Is Arenas Golf & Country Club Penisola of the Sinis) and Campidano (Settimo San Pietro). Original author and source of the article.

Monetary Authority

It is that while the BCRA has a good level of international reserves to discourage any possibility of speculative attack (23 in) January amounted to USD 47.026 million), reducing them to the level required by the Government could increase the fear of the market leading to an increase in demand for dollars in a manner that bring the level of reserves at a level of risk for exchange rate stability. Against this possibility, the BCRA would have two opposing paths, each with a different risk. The first way would be to generate an appreciation in nominal exchange in such a way of discouraging the demand for dollars. This option would require by the BCRA initially resign reserves to appreciate the exchange rate, hoping to keep it controlled to the demand for dollars, thereby reducing the net loss of reserves. The second path that could take the BCRA would stop depreciating the nominal exchange rate in such a way that the same reach a level that reduces the efforts of the Monetary Authority to keep it at that value. This alternative could however increase the incentive of the market by pressing on the mode switching type just to increase the depreciation of the peso by making required a greater effort by the BCRA to sustain the new exchange rate level.

In short, the fiscal weakness of the pillars and external in the Argentine economy will produce a sensitive increase of the fragility of the same. The Argentine economy in general and the BCRA in particular, face a context of greater volatility which will involve no less on the stability risks. The Government does not have many resources to sustain economic stability unless you start twisting direction of economic policy towards the strengthening of macroeconomic variables sending clear and strong signals to the market wanting to move towards a more serious and predictable economy. This would help to build confidence, one good more than necessary for these moments. Original author and source of the article.

Vacation Relaxation

Whenever lack least for which that time throughout the year, we expect comes summer vacation! Two weeks of relaxation, fun and enjoyment, away from the concerns and daily stress. But before all that beautiful part, we have the choice of choosing the best destination. Sea or mountain? Argentina or abroad? Hotel, accommodation, hostel or tent? To help you decide, we tell you what are the most chosen destinations according to the statistics of purchase and reservation of flights and hotels of Despegar.com. Miami, remains the favorite no matter what the economic crisis in different corners of the world, Miami, with its warm beaches and their commercial havens remains the chosen number one for the holidays. The number of bookings of flights to Miamisiempre increases as the holidays are approaching, and thus also increase bids! Despegar.com has hundreds of packages this summer with first-class Miami hotels. A classic of the summer, Brazil Brazil is always one of the destinations chosen by the Argentines to vacation.

Its beaches and its garotas attract each year thousands of Argentines who choose no matter what the prevailing exchange rate. In its entirety, our neighbour offers numerous places as dissimilar as shocking. Of them all, Despegar.com users prefer Rio de Janeiro, Salvador de Bahia and Florianopolis. And of course there are offers in each of these destinations. For example, there are hotels in Rio de Janeiro from less than $50 overnight. The same can be said of other cities, hotels in Florianopolis and Bay are around the same price. Asuncion, the surprise of the summer contrary to what happened in other times, hotels in Asuncion reserves increased markedly. The most populous city in Paraguay is a favorite for those who are already planning their holidays. A final recommendation. According to how is the tourist market currently, we should buy flights with much anticipation, the lowest prices will be achieved as well.

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