The agency of Term of office will concur, in the limits of its ability, for the achievement of the basic objectives of the Federative Republic of Brazil: I-Assure to the professionals of Term of office the effective exercise of the Citizenship; II-Preserve its identity, adjusting the requirements of the development to the preservation of its memory, tradition, culture and peculiarities; III-Provide to its professionals, compatible conditions of life with the dignity human being, social justice and the welfare state common; IV-Prioritize the attendance of the social demands of education, health, transport, housing, habitation, supplying, feeding, leisure and Management and Social Assistance; V-Deepen its agglutinant and irradiador vocation of cebtro of the Brazilian culture. TO the agency of Term of office it is forbidden: Religious cultured I-Establish or church, subvencionlos, to embarrass the functioning to them or to keep with them or its representative relations of dependence or alliance, excepted in the form of legislation, the contribution of public interest; II-Refuse faith the public act; III-Create distinction between Brazilians or preference in relation to the too much units of the Federacy.. .