The first model stops to explain the inheritance of the color of the eyes in human beings, was created in 1907, it considered the existence of an only gene with two alelos dominant responsible for the black color or a chestnut, and another recessivo, responsible for the blue coloration. This model is incomplete does not explain the diverse intermediate colorations that the Iris human being can present nor the cases of inheritance of these colorations. The color of the eyes depends in part of the amount of a pigment, the melanina, gift in the Iris, part of the effect of the light on this ocular region. If the pigmented cells had been very abundant in the previous layer of the Iris and will be absorbed by the existing melanina in the posterior epitlio of the Iris what it acquires a dark color (black or chestnut) When in contrast has little pigment, a part of the incident light will be reflected by this pigment, while another part of the incident light will be reflected by this pigment while another part passes for the previous layer of the Iris and will be absorbed by the existing melanina in the posterior epitlio of Iris and will be absorbed by the existing melanina in the posterior epitlio of the Iris what she generates a predominantly blue color. In the intermediate cases, the Iris acquires coloration that goes of the chestnut-clearly to the green, depending on the decreasing concentration of the melanina in its previous layer. Such tonalities will vary, animals in agreement the greater or minor concentration of the pupil in reply the incident light in the dark eyes has dominncia on the clear one. In the population human being he perceives that he does not distribute yourself for mendelian segregation, that is, these colors do not distribute themselves in the families in ratio as waited in accordance with the Laws of Mendel. .