Torremolinos Well

I know that yesterday was the day of all the parents and I have a great one, which was complimented doubly because it was also the day the Joses and Josefas, los Pepes and seeds. And also our first Constitution was 200 years old. But he was also the birthday of a special little person for my. Sister me small, Betty. She knew that probably tragaria some bullshit of kick-started with photographs, and I know that you didn’t do him very excited. I knew that it would mount its cake biscuits (his favorite) and that it would set it to blow out candles. 16 anitos fieraaaa, but what I didn’t know was that I was going to paste those boats down the aisle to find me and suffocate me with hugs by his birthday gift. It has delighted to know that you will be able to see the finalists in the Carnival of Cadiz next Friday with me in Torremolinos I’ll never be able to overcome me myself with this gift, I know, but you would have to have seen his face.

I take this opportunity to thank Alejandro Blocdeesbozos for entries, has been very attentive, besides being a great friend and best company recently I spoke of Yulia in an entry that taught you precious cookie making. Imitating point cruz and lace. I already said that this girl is an artist. Since then, I have followed your blog, the Tanana, we exchanged some email and above all have been in contact for twitter. Although the two live in Madrid, still we do not know us in person. We have pending a cafe to chat, I’m sure we’re going to fall well.

Because to me I already falls well. And this is the magic of the network and the blogosphere, of which I have spoken many times. But this time, besides winning a friend, I have received an unexpected gift. And it is that last Friday I received a very special home with return address of Yulia package. Just that day was my meets. I thought it was a birthday gifts, but when I asked she replied that she didn’t. What a coincidence! So it came out all round. I had an amazing birthday present. It was surprise for her that was my birthday, and for my course to receive this gift. Lately I do realize that things do not happen in a certain way just because Yes. That circles are closed. And that the life gives me positive coincidences and surprises continuously. The package was wrapped and closed with a pink lace. It was accompanied by a card with a colored with watercolor drawing done by herself. That preciousness. Also look at the detail of each bag closed with a heart of washi tape! Cookie reproduce the logo madredemialma. Both the exterior silhouette and the drawing by way of the interior cross stitch. My family was generated a debate on how he could do such as perfect lines and a drawing as faithful to reality. And well, the greater debate came a while later, when I not let them try a! lol is that it makes me so sad eating them and at the same time I am so eager to try them! I have eight, I am thinking of eating four and leave the other four, as a decorative element because it is that they are a real marvel.

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