Competitive Advantage

adeven awarded the privacy seal ePrivacyseal Hamburg, 11 February. The company adeven meets the requirements of the data protection in exemplary fashion. “That confirmed now ePrivacyconsult, an independent specialist for data protection services: ePrivacyconsult drew the mobile ad analysis and verification company adeven with the data protection seal of approval ePrivacyseal” for exemplary implementation of data protection. Companies that actively address the issue of data protection, and implement data protection far beyond legal requirements, given the privacy seal. The seal is awarded on the basis of high certification standards. “Notes Prof. Dr.

Christoph Bauer, Managing Director of ePrivacyconsult, to: adeven has qualified well by positive reviews in our technical and legal data protection opinion, proves that the products enjoy a high level of confidence”. We wanted to make a clear statement on the subject of data protection.”says Christian Henschel, CEO and founder of adeven. With the seal of approval We signal the clean handling of sensitive data customers. Our products and business intelligence have tools for responsible data technology with excellent quality and safety.” EPrivacyconsult ePrivacyconsult GmbH was founded in 2011 and advises companies in the digital media industry in all questions and challenges of data protection. Meet certified as independent service provider ePrivacyconsult with the data protection seal of approval ePrivacyseal”companies and products, the high standards of data protection. The data protection seal of approval is awarded for high privacy Alternatively according to German standards or according to EU standards. Prof. Dr.

Christoph Bauer elaborated together with a team of technical consultants and experienced privacy lawyers data protection solutions for companies operating in the digital economy in Germany and Europe, he supported the EU on privacy issues and regularly published articles and lectures on the subject of data protection. ePrivacyconsult allows companies the Active dealing with data protection a sustainable competitive advantage in communication, marketing, user acceptance and trust with data protection solutions on all online channels including websites, mobile applications, advertising and cloud services. Adeven about adeven GmbH is the leading supplier in the field of analysis and verification for mobile advertising campaigns. Due to the high scalability of the technologies of the company, efficient and effective mobile campaigns on digital channels can turn advertisers and agencies. His algorithms-controlled campaign Analyzer and campaign optimizer combine digital media and data into a single mobile solution which has the focus, optimization, and analysis of direct-response campaigns, as well as from Brandingkampagnen to the target. Supported by target partners, one of the leading VCs, is certified adeven ePrivacy, taking into account the strict German and EU data protection standards. press contact ePrivacyconsult Arian Jonathan Matz of large pale 21A 20354 Hamburg GmbH phone: + 49 40 609451 813 Fax: + 49 40 609451 820 E-Mail: Internet:

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