Restaurant Association DEHOGA

The Berliner Younect GmbH staff experts look back on a turbulent year. Berlin, December 2012. The Berliner Younect GmbH staff experts look back on a turbulent year. Talent pool candidate recommendation, is the name of the drive motor of the young company from the capital to managing director Martin Gaedt. Talent pools, these are Web-based candidate portals, which have aimed to support a sector or a region in their specialist backup. With two branches of the German of hotel and Restaurant Association DEHOGA and two local Alliance pioneers from Berlin-Brandenburg (VME, media.NET), there were just four Younect talent pools in Germany at the beginning of the year. This is the principle behind the pools: companies that advertise a post and adjust a selected applicants, recommend the second – and third-placed candidates to market pet of their region or industry. Competences remain, brain drain is minimized.

2012: Growth and excellent Lighthouse projects the clarity of the concept is 2012. Through a reverse seven times throughout Germany 28 talent pools by organisations and networks connect applicants at the end of the year hundreds of matching employers. Germany map provides a complete overview. In addition to professional associations and local investment promotion agencies, also traditional institutions such as industry and chambers of Commerce or professional Sinnungen have recognized that new paths in the Bewerberakquise are necessary in order to meet the shortage. The Younect GmbH awarded selected landmark in the land of ideas will receive their accolade 2012 “in the Federal competition. 2013: Change of perspective made by Younect which provides highly advanced expert team to Martin Gaedt for the coming year well turned up. In the last year we have expanded our leading position in terms of regional pool-based recruiting concepts”, reported Martin Gaedt.

Partner for us new industries such as the automotive industry, for example include and strong institutions such as Berlin on our know-how.” 2013 stands for the ambitious capital city dominated by further sufficient networking: Younect working on other Web-based offerings, the talent pool, company presentations and new entrants information useful verknupen. Companies must refer increasingly to the best minds and can say why you would come to them,”Gabi knows. When employers in the labour market must apply, then this raises an entirely new light on the recruiting. Younect will provide 2013 reinforced concepts that respond to the new challenges for businesses, industries and regions.” About the YOUNECT GmbH, the Berliner YOUNECT GmbH develops Internet-based products in the area of recruitment since 2007. The company managing director Martin Gaedt offers regional applicant pools for industry associations, clusters, business development, competence networks, cities, communities and municipalities. Current pools operate and the car Guild Freiburg to the example of the farmers Association of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

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