The biological control nothing more is, of what empregode an organism (predator, parasite or patgeno) that it attacks another one that estejacausando economic damages to the farmings. One is about a strategy muitoutilizada in agroecolgicos systems. NoBrasil, even so the use of the biological control is not one practical generalizadaentre the agriculturists, has advances significant in some cultivos, had aosesforos of state agencies of research and the Embrapa. Ahumanidade has revealed worried, of increasing form, with the problems deconservao of the quality of the environment provoked by an ample gamma deatividades human beings, including the related ones to the farming exploration. Essapreocupao has resulted in the search for the farming sector of technologies paraa implantation of systems of production of ecological approach, income-producing esocialmente right. As reply to this demand, the temavanado scientific research in the development of technological solutions for a sustainable agriculture. Ohomem through the times, it discovered as to manipulate or to manejar these inimigosnaturais for use in agriculture, from there appearing the Biological Control Aplicadocomo a biotechnology based on the use microbianos, insects predators and parasitides for the control of plagues, especially osinsetos genetic resources and fitfagos mites, in the systems of agricultural production. Based in: had access in 05 of December of 2009